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Monday, February 24th, 2020

    Time Event
    Security updates for Monday
    Security updates have been issued by Debian (libpam-radius-auth, pillow, ppp, proftpd-dfsg, and python-pysaml2), Fedora (firefox, glib2, hiredis, http-parser, libuv, mingw-openjpeg2, nghttp2, nodejs, openjpeg2, python-pillow, skopeo, and webkit2gtk3), Mageia (patch, postgresql, and systemd), Red Hat (ksh, nodejs:10, openjpeg2, python-pillow, systemd, and thunderbird), and SUSE (java-1_7_1-ibm, libsolv, libzypp, zypper, pdsh, slurm_18_08, and php53).
    Stable kernel updates
    Stable kernels 5.5.6, 5.4.22, and 4.19.106 have been released. They all have a
    large set of important fixes.
    Kernel prepatch 5.6-rc3
    The 5.6-rc3 kernel prepatch is out for
    testing. Linus says: "Fairly normal rc3 as far as I can tell. We've
    seen bigger, but we've
    seen smaller ones too. Maybe this is slightly on the low side of
    average at this time, which would make sense since this was a smaller
    merge window. Anyway, too much noise in the signal to be sure either
    [$] watch_mount(), watch_sb(), and fsinfo() (again)
    Filesystems, by design, hide a lot of complexity from users. At times,
    though, those users need to be able to look inside the black box and extract
    information about what is going on within a filesystem. Answering this
    need is David Howells, the creator of a number of filesystem-oriented
    system calls; in this
    patch set
    he tries to add three more, one of which we have seen before
    and two of which are new.

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