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Friday, April 10th, 2020

    Time Event
    Security updates for Friday
    Security updates have been issued by Arch Linux (chromium, firefox, haproxy, libssh, and wireshark-cli), Fedora (firefox, glibc, nss, and rubygem-puma), openSUSE (ceph, exim, firefox, and gnuhealth), Oracle (firefox, kernel, and qemu-kvm), and SUSE (djvulibre and firefox).
    Blender community mourns Octavio Mendez
    The Blender 3D modeling and rendering project mourns the passing of Octavio Mendez. "It is with great sadness that I must report we lost a great community member today. Octavio Mendez, a long-time cornerstone of the Mexican Blender and open source community, has passed away after fighting the Corona virus." Gunnar Wolf also has a tribute: "Long-time free software supporter, very well known for his craft –and for his teaching– with Blender."
    [$] Video conferencing with BigBlueButton
    While social distancing often comes naturally to free-software developers,
    there are still times when we wish to talk to each other. In the absence
    of community conferences, the next-best alternative is often video
    conferencing. While video conferences tend to be held using centralized,
    proprietary systems, there are free alternatives as well. LWN recently looked at Jitsi but this effort did not stop
    there; next on the list is BigBlueButton, a system that is
    oriented toward the needs of online educators but is applicable beyond that
    use case.
    European funding available for interesting development projects
    The NGI POINTER program,
    funded by the European Commission, is looking for interesting development
    project to support. It's objective is "to support promising
    bottom-up projects that are able to build, on top of state-of-the-art
    research, scalable protocols and tools to assist in the practical
    transition or migration to new or updated technologies, whilst keeping
    European Values at the core.
    " The application period is open; there
    must be no end of interesting projects in the free-software space that
    would fit within this program's parameters. (Thanks to Thorsten

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