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Friday, July 24th, 2020

    Time Event
    Security updates for Friday
    Security updates have been issued by Debian (qemu), Fedora (java-11-openjdk, mod_authnz_pam, podofo, and python27), openSUSE (cni-plugins, tomcat, and xmlgraphics-batik), Oracle (dbus and thunderbird), SUSE (freerdp, kernel, libraw, perl-YAML-LibYAML, and samba), and Ubuntu (libvncserver and openjdk-lts).
    digiKam 7.0.0 released
    of the digiKam photo editing and management application is out.
    This release adds support for a number of new raw formats, support for
    Apple's HEIF format, and a new mosaic plugin. The headline feature,
    though, appears to be completely reworked face detection: "The new
    code, based on recent Deep Neural Network features from the OpenCV library,
    uses neuronal networks with pre-learned data models dedicated for the Face
    Management. No learning stage is required to perform face detection and
    recognition. We have saved coding time, run-time speed, and a improved the
    success rate which reaches 97% of true positives. Another advantage is that
    it is able to detect non-human faces, such as those of dogs.
    Bison 3.7 released
    Version 3.7 of the Bison parser generator is out. The biggest new feature
    would appear to be the generation of "counterexamples" for conflicts —
    examples of strings that could be parsed in multiple ways. There is also
    better support for reproducible builds, documentation links in warnings,
    and more.
    [$] Mycroft: an open-source voice assistant
    Mycroft is a free and open-source software project aimed at providing voice-assistant technology, licensed under the Apache 2.0 license. It is an interesting alternative to closed-source commercial offerings such as Amazon Alexa, Google Home, or Apple Siri. Use of voice assistants has become common among consumers, but the privacy concerns surrounding them are far-reaching. There have been multiple instances of law enforcement's interest in the data these devices produce for use against their owners. Mycroft claims to offer a privacy-respecting, open-source alternative, giving users a choice on how much of their personal data is shared and with whom.

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