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Saturday, August 8th, 2020

    Time Event
    On Perl 7 and the Perl Steering Committee
    For those who are wondering about the state of the proposed Perl 7
    fork and the role of the newly formed Perl Steering Committee, Ricardo
    Signes has put together a detailed explanation that is worth a read.
    "You should not expect to see a stream of unjustified dictates issuing forth
    from some secret body on high. You should expect to see perl5-porters
    operating as it generally did: with proposals coming to the list, getting
    discussion, and then being thumbed up or down by the project manager. This is
    what has been happening for years, already. Some proposals were already
    discussed by the project manager and some were not. If you eliminated any
    named mailing list for doing this, it would still happen. The PSC is a means
    to say that there is a default group for such discussions. If you were
    wondering, its initial membership was formed from 'the people who came to or
    were invited to the Perl Core Summit' over the last few years.

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