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Friday, September 25th, 2020

    Time Event
    Security updates for Friday
    Security updates have been issued by Debian (rails), openSUSE (chromium, jasper, ovmf, roundcubemail, samba, and singularity), Oracle (firefox), SUSE (bcm43xx-firmware, firefox, libqt5-qtbase, qemu, and tiff), and Ubuntu (aptdaemon, atftp, awl, packagekit, and spip).
    Calibre 5.0 released
    Version 5.0 of the
    Calibre electronic-book manager has been released. "There has been a
    lot of work on the calibre E-book viewer. It now supports Highlighting. The
    highlights can be colors, underlines, strikethrough, etc. and have added
    notes. All highlights can be both stored in EPUB files for easy sharing and
    centrally in the calibre library for easy browsing. Additionally, the
    E-book viewer now supports both vertical and right-to-left text.
    Another significant change is a port to Python 3; that was a necessary
    change but it means that there are a number of plugins that have not yet
    been ported and thus won't work. The status of many plugins can be found
    on this
    [$] Toward a "modern" Emacs
    It has only been a few months since the Emacs community went through an extended discussion on how to make the Emacs editor "popular
    again". As the community gears up for the Emacs 28 development cycle,
    (after the Emacs
    27.1 release
    in August)
    that discussion has returned with a vengeance. The themes of this
    discussion differ somewhat from the last; developers are concerned about
    making Emacs — an editor with decades of history — seem "modern" to attract
    new users.

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