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Wednesday, October 7th, 2020

    Time Event
    Security updates for Wednesday
    Security updates have been issued by Arch Linux (brotli, lib32-brotli, lib32-zeromq, samba, yaws, and zeromq), Debian (php7.0, puma, sane-backends, thunderbird, and tigervnc), Fedora (ghc-cmark-gfm, ghc-hakyll, gitit, pandoc, pandoc-citeproc, and patat), openSUSE (kdeconnect-kde and perl-DBI), Oracle (kernel), Red Hat (chromium-browser and spice and spice-gtk), SUSE (hexchat and nodejs8), and Ubuntu (vino).
    Three stable kernels
    Stable kernels 5.8.14, 5.4.70, and 4.19.150 have been released with some
    important fixes. Users should upgrade.
    [$] Ruby 3.0 brings new type checking and concurrency features
    The first preview of Ruby version 3.0 was released
    on September 25. It includes better support for type checking, additional
    language features, and two new experimental features: a parallel execution
    mechanism called Ractor, and
    which provides concurrency improvements.
    [$] Fixing our broken internet
    In unusually stark terms, Mozilla is trying to rally the
    troops to take back the
    internet from the forces of evil—or at least "misinformation,
    corruption and greed
    "—that have overtaken it. In a
    September 30 blog
    , the organization behind the Firefox web browser
    warned that "the internet needs our love". While there is lots to
    celebrate about the internet, it is increasingly under threat from
    various types of bad actors, so Mozilla is starting a campaign to try to
    push back against those threats.

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