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Friday, December 25th, 2020

    Time Event
    Security updates for Friday
    Security updates have been issued by Fedora (xen) and SUSE (flac and openexr).
    Xfce 4.16 released
    After more than a year's work, Xfce has announced the 4.16 release of the desktop. Highlights include window manager improvements, a new statustray panel plugin, fractional scaling, settings manager improvements, and lots more. "One of the corner-stones of the non-code changes concerns our migration to GitLab, which is a change in development workflow and a huge step forward in terms of becoming more contributor-friendly and welcoming. In parts, the humungous changelog of Xfce 4.16 can be attributed to new contributors proposing merge requests (288 merge requests were merged or closed against our core components alone!)."
    In memoriam of Karsten Loesing (Tor blog)
    The Tor project is mourning Karsten Loesing, who died on December 18. "Karsten was part of the Tor community for 13 years and an amazing, smart, thoughtful, and gentle person who has touched us all. Over the course of these years we saw him not only grow as a colleague at Tor but as a father to his family. His positive, attentive, and kind presence helped us grow as people as well.

    Dr. Karsten Loesing joined Tor in 2007 as a Google Summer of Code student to work on Distributed Tor Directory, and earned his PhD in Computer Science at Germany’s University of Bamberg in 2009 on a Tor-related topic, 'Distributed Storage for Tor Hidden Service Descriptors [PDF]'.
    Release of GnuCOBOL 3.1.2
    Its existence may come as a bit of a surprise to some, but the GnuCOBOL project has released version 3.1.2 as a successor to GnuCOBOL 2.2 after three years of improvements. "GnuCOBOL is a free, modern COBOL compiler.
    It translates COBOL into intermediate C and compiles the code using a
    native C compiler (preferably GCC, but not limited to it). [...] some of the highlights: Huge improvements for compatibility to different COBOL dialects, better
    error handling and adjustable exceptions per COBOL 2002; more modern
    format for diagnostic messages (especially useful when used in an
    integrated development environment possible in Emacs, Vim, VSCodium and
    others) and improved source-level debugging.
    " More information about the new features in the release can be found in the NEWS file, which is attached to the release announcement below.
    Ruby 3.0.0
    Ruby 3.0.0 has been released. "From
    2015 we developed hard toward Ruby 3, whose goal is performance,
    concurrency, and Typing. [...] With Optcarrot benchmark, which measures single thread performance based on NES’s game emulation workload, it achieved 3x faster performance than Ruby 2.0!

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