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@ 2022-10-06 02:15:00

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[Botany • 2022] Liparis macrosepala (Orchidaceae: Epidendroideae) • A New Species from southwest China with its Phylogenetic Position

 Liparis macrosepala Z.W. Wang, Y. Zhang & W.C. Huang, 

in Wang, Zhang, Zhang, Li, ... et Huang, 2022. 
 大萼羊耳蒜  || DOI: 10.3897/phytokeys.210.87033

A new orchid species, Liparis macrosepala, is illustrated and described from Yunnan Province, China, based on morphological and molecular analyses. This plant is characterised by the ovoid-fusiform, slightly compressed pseudobulbs with 4 or 5 leaves with slightly crisped margins on their apical half, dorsal sepal heart-shaped, lip with a bituberculate basal callus and a thickened folded lateral lobe on each side, centrally with one cavity with slightly raised margins, the column with a single pair of broadly triangular, obtuse wings. Maximum Likelihood and Bayesian Inference analyses of combined nrITS and plastid matK DNA sequences place this species in section Cestichis.

Keywords: Liparis section Cestichis, molecular phylogeny, morphology, matK, nrITS

Liparis macrosepala Z.W. Wang, Y. Zhang & W.C. Huang, sp. nov.  
 A flower, front view B flower, side view C lip, side view D inflorescence E column, side view F lip and column, side view G lip, back view H lip, front view I flowering plant J pollinia and anther cap K perianth dissection L column and ovary, oblique view M ovary, transection. 
Drawn by Lan Yan.

Morphology of  Liparis macrosepala Z.W. Wang, Y. Zhang & W.C. Huang, sp. nov. 
A plants in situ B flowering plant C pseudobulbs and leaves D inflorescence E flowers, front view F flowers, side view G perianth dissection H column from side I lip in oblique view J anther cap and pollinia.
 Photographs by Weichang Huang.

 Liparis macrosepala Z.W. Wang, Y. Zhang & W.C. Huang, sp. nov.
  Chinese name: 大萼羊耳蒜
Diagnosis: Liparis macrosepala is characterised by the ovoid-fusiform, slightly compressed pseudobulbs with 4 or 5 alternate leaves on their apical half, these with slightly crispate margins, dorsal sepal ovate with cordate base, broadly elliptic, ca. 4 mm long, 2 callus-shaped and thickened folds, base with 2 oblong lobes on both sides, centrally with 1 thickened, concave callus, column with a single pair of arcuate wings.

Distribution and habitat: It is found on tree trunks on a limestone ridge-top evergreen broad-leaved forest at an elevation of 1500–1700 m in Mengna County, Xishuangbanna Autonomous Prefecture, Yunnan Province, People’s Republic of China. The habitat presents a tropical monsoon climate.

Etymology: The species epithet refers to the large and conspicuous dorsal sepal of the flower.

Zhengwei Wang, Yi Zhang, Ze Zhang, Xiaochen Li, Zhijin Wu, Lan Yan, Aixian Lu, Chengzhi Xie, Chao Hu and Weichang Huang. 2022. Liparis macrosepala (Orchidaceae), A New Species from southwest China with its Phylogenetic Position. PhytoKeys. 210: 67-77.  DOI: 10.3897/phytokeys.210.87033

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