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Пишет In Search of Tango ([info]syn_paulyinga)
@ 2018-09-08 11:57:00

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Champaign Milongueros

Champaign Milongueros is a group of local tango dancers committed to the milonguero style of tango. We chose this name for the group because we want to continue the milonguero tradition and distinguish ourselves from the existing tango culture in this university town. Champaign is one of the earliest tango communities in Illinois, yet for more than two decades Champaign tango remains small and weak because it has only focused on university students, the part of the population who would leave the town after graduation and are interested in things that do not appeal to older local dancers.

We want to depart from that path and try a new approach.

1. This group is mainly aimed at locals. We believe that only with local dancers as the mainstay can Champaign tango community meet the needs of the permanent local residents, deviate from the current culture, achieve sustainable growth, and have a better impact on university students.

2. We are dedicated to the milonguero style of tango that features close embrace, feelings, gender roles and classic tango music, not the Nuevo style featuring open embrace, exhibition, gender-neutrality and alternative music. In contrast to the ideologies that unduly promote pluralism, diversity and differences, we emphasize authenticity, standardization, conformity and milonguero tradition.

3. By observing the tango protocols practiced in the milongas of Buenos Aires, including milonga etiquette, dress code, separate seating, cabeceo, and navigation rules, we want to create an integrated, respectful, friendly, pleasant, elegant and orderly environment in our milongas.

4. We emphasize team spirit, brotherhood, love and responsibility within the group against the individualistic tendency that focuses on the independence, rights, liberty and freedom of the individual. A milonguero is not an individualist. He/she belongs to a group of dancers who understand the interdependence of people and the importance of the community, and who regularly dance together, conform to the group standard, observe its codes, participate in its administration, and are role models for novices and newcomers. We want to continue that milonguero tradition and work as a team to make our milonga a welcoming home for all like-minded dancers.

5. To secure the quality of our milonga, this group opens only to selected dancers. To become a member of the group, you need to complete a 20-hour training course on the fundamentals of the milonguero style and milonga codes with us. We welcome anyone to attend our classes, but only those who meet our standard may become members of the group and visit our milongas. Students who have failed the course may repeat it until they qualify.

6. Members need to continue their training and actively participate in group activities to retain their membership. Members may lose the membership if they fail to keep up with the standard of the group.

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