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Thursday, August 30th, 2018

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    WhatsApp Warns Free Google Drive Backups Are Not End-To-End Encrypted
    On November 12th, WhatsApp users on Android will be able to back up their messages to Google Drive for free and it won't count towards Google Drive storage quotas. But, as WhatsApp warns, those messages will no longer be protected by end-to-end encryption. ZDNet reports: While Apple iOS users may elect to use iCloud backup storage options, Android users store theirs through Google Drive -- but alongside the changes, WhatsApp has reminded users that once communication, chat, and media is transferred away from the app, end-to-end encryption is no longer in place. Some users may think that backup services will have the same level of protection as the app. However, this is not the case and the reminder is important for those interested in protecting their privacy. In WhatsApp support documents, this separation is now explicitly mentioned. "Media and messages you back up aren't protected by WhatsApp end-to-end encryption while in Google Drive," WhatsApp says.

    Read more of this story at Slashdot.

    Apple Sets New iPhone Event For September 12
    Apple has officially sent out invitations to its latest media event, 'Gather round,' which will be held on September 12, 2018 -- a year to the day after the iPhone 8 and iPhone X were officially revealed. From a report: Following recent tradition, the event will start at 10:00 a.m. Pacific, and will be held in the Steve Jobs Theater at Apple's headquarters in Cupertino, California. The invite's theme is a pun on the circular shape of the Apple Park building, depicted with a golden tone. In addition to featuring finished versions of iOS 12 and watchOS 5, the event is expected to include the launch of three new iPhones -- possibly named the iPhone Xs (5.8-inch/6.5-inch) and iPhone Xc, reportedly including new gold-toned options -- as well as the new Apple Watch Series 4 with larger screens. A small software update to the Apple TV, tvOS 12, is also likely to arrive at the September event, as are Apple's long-awaited AirPower wireless charging pad and a wireless charging case for AirPods earphones.

    Read more of this story at Slashdot.

    Tesla Files Patent For Automatic Turn Signals
    Tesla has filed a patent for automatic turn signals. The filing details a system that uses Autopilot sensors to determine when drivers are going to make a turn and signal automatically. CNET reports: Tesla wants its vehicles to signal automatically without the driver needing to go through the agony that is lifting their finger and moving it up or down by several inches. The way that Tesla envisions it working is that the car detects the driver's intent to change lanes or make a turn by using the Autopilot hardware at its disposal, it then works to sense if there are other vehicles nearby and if it detects them, it puts the signal on for the driver. If it works, it will be brilliant but given the fact that Tesla has remained adamant that it doesn't need driver monitoring systems for Autopilot, it seems questionable that the vehicle would be able to detect a driver's intent to turn based solely on external observation.

    Read more of this story at Slashdot.


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