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Monday, October 29th, 2018

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    Chinese Smartphone Maker Xiaomi Completes Its 2018 Goal of Shipping 100 Million Units of Phones
    Chinese smartphone maker Xiaomi has shipped 100 million units of phones as of October 26, completing its annual target more than two months ahead of its original plan, Xiaomi's founder and CEO Lei Jun announced on the company's Sina Weibo account. ZDNet: The smartphone brand, currently sitting behind Huawei and Oppo in China, is reporting a better sales result this year. It only shipped 70 million smartphones for the first 10 months in 2017, though it nevertheless also completed its shipment target for last year ahead of time, according to Lei's Sina Weibo post in November 2017. The 100 million shipment benchmark set in less than 10 months this year is also higher than the full-year shipment result of Xiaomi, which shipped a total of 90 million mobile handsets last year.

    Read more of this story at Slashdot.

    Google Pixel 3 XL Bug Adds Second Notch To Side of the Screen
    Those of you who detest display notches will find this bug especially unpleasant. A small number of Pixel 3 XL users are reportedly experiencing a bug where an additional notch appears on the right side of the display. Android Police reports: Turns out that it's a real-life bug experienced by several users, including Jessie Burroughs, Kyle Gutschow, and UrAvgConsumer. We're not sure what's causing it, but it could be something to do with the screen rotation setting getting a bit confused about its orientation. In all three of the examples we've seen, the users reported that the issue went away after a restart or fiddling with the developer settings, so at least it's not a permanent problem. Anyone who bought a Pixel 3 XL probably decided that the notch didn't bother them that much, but we're not sure how they'd feel about another one showing up unannounced. Google is aware of this bug and says a fix is "coming soon."

    Read more of this story at Slashdot.


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