Misha Verbitsky - November 1st, 2019
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12:10 am
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a (non isotrivial) tori fibration Запишу сей пример, чтобы не потерялся.
>Let Y be a compact complex simply connected projective manifold and W a >non trivial holomorphic vector bundle of rank n. Assume that there are >2n R-linearly independent holomorphic sections of W and take the >quotient by the corresponding action of Z^{2n}. This gives a fibration >f : X \to Y with fibers non isotrivial complex tori.
>...is it possible to have such a (non isotrivial) tori >fibration with the total space X having trivial canonical class K_X >(or equivalently K_Y being trivial)?
This is an interesting construction, say, it works for the twistor space of a torus. Not sure there are other examples, not related to the twistor spaces.
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Current Mood: sick Current Music: A geometric flow of Balanced metrics Tags: math
12:14 am
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Bridging the Gap between Kahler and non-Kahler Вещал, кстати, вот тут https://www.birs.ca/events/2019/5-day-workshops/19w5051/schedule душеполезная конференция, понравилось
Misha Verbitsky: Deformation theory of non-Kahler holomorphically symplectic manifolds http://verbit.ru/MATH/TALKS/BG-Banff-Nov-2019.pdf
Bridging the Gap between Kahler and non-Kahler Complex Geometry Banff, October 27, 2019 to November 1, 2019, BIRS
Current Mood: tired Current Music: A geometric flow of Balanced metrics Tags: math, travel