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Пишет Misha Verbitsky ([info]tiphareth)
@ 2017-07-04 11:08:00

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2018-02-09 19:09 (ссылка)

А что он сделал в жизни, кроме пиара?

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2018-02-09 20:46 (ссылка)
лисп-машину же
(точнее, он основал MIT AI Lab, где ее произвели)
вот хорошее

TRANSCRIPT: John McCarthy was a good programmer; I was a… not very good programmer and he had invented this wonderful language called Lisp, which was based on the nice language that Newell and Simon had invented called… no, it’s called IPL, Information Processing Language. IPL is made of little atoms and it’s very tedious, and McCarthy’s invention was… it was more like FORTRAN, which was… which is a language… IPL just had little instructions, FORTRAN has statements, make this true, and Lisp had statements with a very clean syntax. It only had… it basically has five basic verbs, whereas FORTRAN has a big mass of arbitrary… has a big library, and so McCarthy’s was a very elegant cleaning up of… of computer science. And thereafter, there were two kinds of languages, the algebraic language FORTRAN, and this recursive language call… based on Lisp, which… they’re now dying out because of… in a Lisp program, you can write a program that writes Lisp programs so it has a kind of open future; now, no… no-one actually does that yet, but it’s still possible. In the other languages, it's almost… you can’t write a C program that will write a C program, it’s just… there aren’t any verbs of the right kind, so to me programming hasn’t changed much in 50 years because they got locked into this… strange set of limitations.

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2018-02-09 21:05 (ссылка)
>он основал MIT AI Lab,

Во-во: "организатор науки".

>he had invented this wonderful language called Lisp

Угу, а Черч ни при чем. Ну пиздец же! -- он реально не в курсе! совсем идиот. Добрый, хороший идиот.

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2018-02-09 21:31 (ссылка)

>Во-во: "организатор науки".

Скорее гуру, чем организатор.

To save my steeple, I visited people;
For this I'd gone when I met Little John.
His name came, I understood,
When the judge said "You're a robbing hood."
He told me of his strange foundation,
Conceived on sight of the Woodstock nation;
He'd had to hide his reputation.
When poor, 'twas salvation from door to door.
But now, with a pin-up guru every week,
It's Love, Peace & Truth Incorporated for all who seek.


The Marvin that I knew was a wonderful mixture of serious and quirky. About almost any subject he’d have something to say, most often quite unusual. Sometimes it’d be really interesting; sometimes it’d just be unusual. I’m reminded of a time in the early 1980s when I was visiting Boston and subletting an apartment from Marvin’s daughter Margaret (who was in Japan at the time). Margaret had a large and elaborate collection of plants, and one day I noticed that some of them had developed nasty-looking spots on their leaves.

Being no expert on such things (and without the web to look anything up!), I called Marvin to ask what to do. What ensued was a long discussion about the possibility of developing microrobots that could chase mealybugs away. Fascinating though it was, at the end of it I still had to ask, “But what should I actually do about Margaret’s plants?” Marvin replied, “Oh, I guess you’d better talk to my wife.”

Там по ссылочке с десяток подобных историй
нереально прикольный мужик тащемта

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2018-02-09 22:08 (ссылка)
>нереально прикольный мужик тащемта

и успешно выбивает из начальства бабло, которое дает хорошим людям. Ну, не все жулики сволочи, некоторые очень хорошие и полезные.

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2018-02-10 01:09 (ссылка)
подозреваю, что его основная функция не выбивание денег,
а расслабленный просветляющий треп обо всем, хиппи-стайл
в любом случае, вполне себе позитивный кекс
и прототип Марвина Андроида!

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2018-02-10 01:26 (ссылка)
Ну сейчас-то он старенький уже. Но бренд сотворил в свое время весьма успешно.

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2018-02-10 02:41 (ссылка)
он помер в 2016, есличо
>бренд сотворил в свое время весьма успешно
ну, Grateful Dead это тоже бренд
но это бренд не столько о деньгах, сколько об анаше

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2018-02-10 03:35 (ссылка)
>но это бренд не столько о деньгах, сколько об анаше

Да это пожалуйста; главное чтоб была лаборатория в MIT.

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