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Пишет Misha Verbitsky ([info]tiphareth)
@ 2017-07-04 11:08:00

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2018-04-29 15:45 (ссылка)
Бриташка не вылезает из сраного говна


On Wednesday, three court of appeal judges backed the decision made at the high court the previous day to deny the request to fly Alfie to Italy after he was granted citizenship there.

The judge, a gay-rights activist named Sir Anthony Paul Hayden, the author of "Children and Same Sex Families: A Legal Handbook" and a member of The Bar Lesbian and Gay Group (BLAGG), rejected Alfie's parents' pleas that they know better that the courts where their child's best interests lie.

While the attorney representing Alfie, Paul Diamond, argued that it was not in Alfie's best interests to be left to die at Alder Hey, insisting that the boy should be flown abroad to Italy, the judge replied: "You do not have the moral high ground in this court."

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2018-04-29 18:46 (ссылка)
Вот эту судейскую мразь нужно убивать за дискредитацию гомосексуализма.

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2018-05-01 08:25 (ссылка)
А разве он что-то неправильно сделал?
(Я может не всё понял, на английском же.)

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