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Пишет Misha Verbitsky ([info]tiphareth)
@ 2017-07-04 11:08:00

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2018-05-03 00:48 (ссылка)
Dearest One

Greetings of God be with you and Family, Please,I am Mrs.Jennifer Waldemar Stani from Scotland,I got married to my late husband Mr. Waldemar Stani, we married for 21 years we couldn't produce any child my late husband was an international business man, may his soul rest in peace.

Before his death Three years ago I have been suffering from cancer of breast,which I have tried my best to have it cure but no solution after all the treatment which I have been taking,but surprisingly some days ago my doctor told me that I may not live more than 2 months as the result of the sickness.My late husband deposited the sum of £4.8 Million Pounds in bank here in Scotland for his business before he died,I decided to Donate You the money to help the less privileges Reply me.

Mrs. Jennifer Waldemar Stani
Address:Dolphin House,4 Hunter Square,Edinburgh EH1 1QW, UK
E-Mail: Mrs.JenniferWaldemar@cheerful.com

Best Regards,
Mrs.Jennifer Waldemar Stani
From Glasgow Scotland.

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2018-05-03 03:20 (ссылка)
I am Mr.Jennifer Waldemar Stani from Scotland,I got married to my late husband Mr. Waldemar Stani, we married for 21 years we couldn't produce any child

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