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Пишет Misha Verbitsky ([info]tiphareth)
@ 2017-08-08 18:04:00

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Настроение: sick
Музыка:Genesis - ALL THE HELP I CAN GET
Entry tags:google, sjw

Google Fires Author of Divisive Memo on Gender Differences
Самый хороший комментарий к письму гуглоида
(которого тем временем уже уволили)

With respect to the substance of the manifesto, I see it

as almost irrelevant. To me, if you read it and are
completely outraged or uniformly in favor, then you are
part of the problem. If you can read anyone's opinion,
spread out over 10 pages, and find nothing with which you
agree, then you're almost certainly not
thinking. Similarly, if you can read this guy's entire
memo and find yourself blindly nodding, then you probably
aren't using your brain either.

Нашел тут


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2017-08-12 09:20 (ссылка)
всхохотал из-под лавки


>A Russian Conservative on James Damore

>Prosvirnin is the most talented writer. Limonov has by far the most colorful personality. Dugin has been the most effective at promoting himself in the West. Prokhanov probably has the most name recognition in Russia. Galkovsky created the most powerful memes. Krylov provided the esoteric flavoring.

>And yet out of all of Russia’s right-wing intellectuals, there is perhaps none so unique as Egor Kholmogorov.


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