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Пишет Misha Verbitsky ([info]tiphareth)
@ 2018-01-20 13:19:00

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Настроение: sick
Музыка:Lacrimosa - Live
Entry tags:judeo-christianity

незаживающая гнойная язва
Чудесный мультик
Death of the Firstborn Egyptians
разоблачающий иудео-христианство.

Вообще ничего отвратительнее
и тошнотворнее авраамических религий нет, монотеизм
это такая незаживающая гнойная язва на теле каждого
человека западной либо исламской цивилизации.

По ссылке от [info]ac10zzk


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2018-01-20 18:41 (ссылка)
офигительно, спасибо

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2018-01-20 21:43 (ссылка)
Вот сама статья:

И еще одна, позабористей:

The great achievement of polytheism is the articulation of a common semantic universe.
It is this semantic dimension that makes the names translatable—
that is, makes it possible for gods from different cultures or parts of a culture to be equated with one another.
Tribal religions are ethnocentric. The powers and ancestral spirits worshiped by one tribe are
different from those worshiped by another tribe.
In contrast, the highly differentiated members of polytheistic pantheons lend themselves easily to cross-cultural
translation or “interpretation.” Translation functions because the names not only have a reference, but also a meaning,
namely, the god’s specific character as it is unfolded in cosmological speculation, myths, hymns, rites, and so on.
This character makes a deity comparable to other deities with similar traits.
The similarity of gods makes their names mutually translatable. But in historical reality,
this correlation has to be reversed. The practice of translating the names of the gods
created a concept of similarity and produced the idea or conviction that gods are international.

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