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Пишет Misha Verbitsky ([info]tiphareth)
@ 2019-09-18 22:34:00

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Настроение: sick
Музыка:Zanov - MOEBIUS
Entry tags:feminism, rms, sjw

пост в защиту RMS
У [info]avva@lj неожиданный пост в защиту RMS

Поучительные ссылки про то, как (бывшие) братья
по оружию синхронно выбросили Столлмана в мусор
(ожидал того же от [info]avva@lj, при всем
моем уважении к нему).


...One particular comment there that I found which

reflects the reality of the garbage media and its agenda
driven evolution.

I'm far from certain RMS's only offense was difficulty
communicating, but the "evolution" of his statements
as they traveled through the media was terrifying to

Stallman: the most plausible scenario is that she
presented herself to him as entirely willing.

Selam G: [Stallman] says that an enslaved child could,
somehow, be "entirely willing".

VICE: Stallman insists that the "most plausible
scenario" is that Epstein's underage victims were
"entirely willing" while being trafficked.

New York Post: MIT scientist says Epstein victim
Virginia Giuffre was 'entirely willing'

Tech Chrunch: Computer scientist Richard Stallmann,
who defended Jeffrey Epstein.

* * *

Но по сути же, ничего нового, таким образом
активисты уже давно затыкают рот правым и одиозно
политнекорректным деятелям. Теперь добрались
и до Столлмана. ESR предсказывал это еще в 2015-м

The short version is: if you are any kind of open-source

leader or senior figure who is male, do not be alone with
any female, ever, at a technical conference. Try to avoid
even being alone, ever, because there is a chance that a
"women in tech" advocacy group is going to try to collect
your scalp.

На самом деле, как раз то, что ESR делает в этой ситуации -
самое разумное, его-то никто не бросится неожиданно
разоблачать, ибо ебанутостью наполнен каждый пост чуть
более чем целиком. Иначе никак, ага.


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2019-09-22 11:36 (ссылка)
для отношений у него была умилительная personal ad некоторое время назад:

I'm a single atheist white man, 55, reputedly intelligent, with unusual interests in politics, science, music and dance.

I'd like to meet a woman with varied interests, curious about the world, comfortable expressing her likes and dislikes (I hate struggling to guess), delighting in her ability to fascinate a man and in being loved tenderly, who values joy, truth, beauty and justice more than "success"--so we can share bouts of intense, passionately kind awareness of each other, alternating with tolerant warmth while we're absorbed in other aspects of life.

My 25-year-old child, the Free Software Movement, occupies most of my life, leaving no room for more children, but I still have room to love a sweetheart if she doesn't need to spend time with me every day. I spend a lot of my time traveling to give speeches, often to Europe, Asia and Latin America; it would be nice if you were free to travel with me some of the time.

If you are interested, write to rms at gnu dot org and we'll see where it leads.

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