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Пишет Misha Verbitsky ([info]tiphareth)
@ 2019-10-18 12:06:00

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Настроение: sick
Музыка:Assemblage 23 - CONTEMPT
Entry tags:censorship, feminism, nazi, twitter

Истории по тэгу "#ябоюсьмужчин"
все вполне предсказуемо
(почему-то отсутствует миллион комментариев к
каждому твиту "анжелочка, ты такая смелая"
"жанночка, ты такой молодец", а так все
как обычно).

Если бы это было лет 5 назад, можно былобы
запустить хэш #ябоюсьхачей с аналогичными
историями (да теми же самыми тащемта: в некоторых
историях нацменство указывается
, в других
нет, но почти все ужасные истории по этому хэшу
обыкновенно рассказывают про хачей).

Жалко, сейчас на твиттере дико свирепствует цензура,
и #ябоюсьхачей сразу же удалят вместе с юзерами.
Почему-то говорить о преступлениях
хачей считается очень нехорошо, а о преступлениях
мужчин очень хорошо, даже если это одно
и то же преступление.


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2019-10-19 15:32 (ссылка)
Да нет -- просто это не ужасный абьюз, а тупая хуйня из таблоида. Хотите ее обсудить? Я нет.

(Ответить) (Уровень выше) (Ветвь дискуссии)

2019-10-19 18:53 (ссылка)
кейс про зигующую собаку - тоже тупая хуйня из таблоида?
я не понимаю, отчего недоверие, uk же говно

(Ответить) (Уровень выше) (Ветвь дискуссии)

2019-10-19 23:53 (ссылка)
>кейс про зигующую собаку - тоже тупая хуйня из таблоида?

Да. Все это миллион раз обсуждалось, и совершенно неинтересно.

(Ответить) (Уровень выше) (Ветвь дискуссии)

2019-10-20 06:22 (ссылка)

не понимаю про чего ты
все эти случаи вполне реальные
и не единичные, в Британии сажают в год 9000
человек по поводам, вполне аналогичным случаю с
зигующей собакой (за твиты и посты в ФСБук)

(Ответить) (Уровень выше) (Ветвь дискуссии)

2019-10-20 08:57 (ссылка)
>he received press coverage when he posted a satirical video of a dog he'd taught to raise its paw in the manner of a Nazi salute, and to react when asked "do you wanna gas the Jews?"

>In April 2018, Meechan was fined £800.

>Meechan started a GoFundMe campaign on 24 April 2018 to raise £100,000 for an appeal and reached his goal as of 25 April.

>It was reported in March 2019 that £800 had been seized from Meechan's bank account under an arrestment order.

Нет, я не оправдываю суд за зиги. Но история смешная.

(Ответить) (Уровень выше)

2019-10-20 14:14 (ссылка)
Про то, что ты про это пишешь каждый второй пост уже года два, и это все фон. Причем реально это фон из таблоида. Совершенно неинтересно, прости; анонам может и интересно, а так нет.

А про то, что пакистанцы при всем феминизме невозбранно сотнями ебут белых малолетних в хвост и в гриву, и продают другу другу за мелкий прайс, это хотя бы забавно.

>9000 человек

Да-да -- в таблоидах. А в реальности всегда почему-то не миллион, а сто рублей, не в лотерею, а в карты, и не выиграл, а проигал. Не, я не спорю, сто рублей тоже деньги.

(Ответить) (Уровень выше) (Ветвь дискуссии)

2019-10-20 15:01 (ссылка)
можно называть "таблоидом" что угодно
а можно еще себе глаза выколоть, чтоб только не видеть
разница небольшая

Police arresting nine people a day in fight against web trolls

Britain Turns Offensive Speech Into a Police Matter

Even more perversely, these non-crimes really just mean "insulting comments." So if you're in Yorkshire and someone on Facebook calls you a fat slob, call the cops. If you wear a niqab and a work colleague tells you—a la Boris Johnson—that you look a little bit like a mailbox, phone the police.

In essence, South Yorkshire Police want people to report on everyday conversations. This is Stasi territory. Coppers asking citizens to file reports on things they have read or overheard really should have disappeared from Europe with the fall of the Berlin Wall. Yet here it still is, this GDR-style instruction to eavesdrop and squeal, though now it's happening on the other side of the old Iron Curtain.

It is testament to how entrenched censorship has become in 21st-century Britain that a police force can so casually call for reports about speech.

This is a country whose communications laws and public-order legislation can be, and regularly are, used to punish hateful expression. Last year The Times reported that British police are arresting nine people a day for posting "offensive messages online." In 2016, 3,300 people were detained and questioned for things they said online. In some parts of Britain the arrest rate for offensive speech has risen by nearly 900% in recent years. We Brits are sleepwalking into a police state.

* * *

Internet crackdown raises fears for free speech in Britain


Last week, a man in Scotland was probed by police for making dark jokes about terminally ill footballer Fernando Ricksen. Then, in a more high-profile case, two men were arrested on Monday for making ‘offensive comments’ on Twitter about Mikaeel Kular, the three-year-old Scottish child who was found dead in Fife last Friday. Each of these so-called trolls was arrested after their posts were reported to the police by other social-media users.

These cases have led to renewed speculation about what sort of person posts such tasteless things online and what the recent flurry of trolling may reveal about society at large. But there is another question that has gone unasked: what type of person grasses on people for saying things they find offensive about people they don’t even know?

The online snitch is not the antidote to the online troll; he is the flipside of the same coin. Indeed, online snitches pursue their targets with the same unflinching obsession as online trolls. Online snitches repost offending comments and encourage others to share, submit and express their outrage, some even campaigning to make the troll ‘famous’ for being offensive. Like the trolls, snitches express the same egotism and desire for attention and validation, only they want to be validated for their pious outrage rather than their ability to push buttons.

This has a negative impact, not least for those people directly affected by trolling. Indeed, if online snitches actually cared about those targeted by online trolling, they should ignore such trolling. Instead, the actions of such people increase the exposure of offensive online posts. By engaging with trolls and, in many cases, reporting them to the police, snitches turn small, often unnoticed incidents of trolling into full-blown media stories, making it much more likely that those affected by trolling – such as the family of Mikaeel Kular – will become aware of the offensive posts.

However, a more worrisome development is the impact the online snitches are having on how speech is policed online. The judge presiding over the trial of Matthew Wood, who was jailed for three months for making ‘abhorrent’ jokes about the then missing five-year-old girl April Jones on Facebook, referred to the public outrage caused by Wood’s actions as justification for his sentence. Thus, by broadcasting their sanctimonious outrage, a minority of people online are creating a precedent by which all of our online speech will now be policed.

The online troll and the online snitch are not wholly different creatures: they come from the same internet swamp. The difference is that trolls don’t actually matter, their attention-seeking outbursts have no meaning outside of the online world. The snitch, however, has a far greater and more dangerous impact. In their sanctioning of state intervention into speech, online snitches are facilitating the erosion of freedom of speech – and cheering it all the way.

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2019-10-20 15:04 (ссылка)

It can now be a crime to rap
The war on drill shows how illiberal Britain has become.

Drill artists Skengdo and AM have been sentenced to nine months in prison, suspended for two years, for performing a song – a first in British legal history. The pair performed their song ‘Attempted 1.0’ at a concert in London’s Koko at the end of last year. Someone in the crowd filmed it and uploaded to the internet without the rappers’ knowledge. This was in breach of a gang-related injunction handed to the pair in August last year. (They deny any involvement in gangs.) According to the Metropolitan Police, the song ‘incited and encouraged violence against rival gang members’.

The sentence given to Skengdo and AM is the inevitable culmination not only of the Met’s targeting of drill music but also of the broader relentless war on free speech. For the past few years, the police and much of the media have sought to blame drill for rising violent crime in London and elsewhere. Drill rappers often taunt their rivals, calling them out if they fail to live up to their professed bravado. Stabbings and shootings are sometimes described in great detail – with a nihilistic detachment or excitement. Met police commissioner Cressida Dick says that drill ‘is associated with lyrics which are about glamourising serious violence: murder, stabbings.’

The police have started censoring music videos, ordering YouTube to take some down. Last year, in an unprecedented move, a court order banned five members of drill group 1011 from making music without first getting permission from the police.

(Ответить) (Уровень выше)

2019-10-20 15:14 (ссылка)
Count Dankula and the fall of liberal Britain
What I learned spending time with Scotland’s most notorious shitposter.

Today spiked releases The Curious Case of the Nazi Pug, our film about Count Dankula – the Scottish YouTube comedian and self-styled ‘shitposter’ who was criminalised for teaching his dog to do a Nazi salute. Here, spiked columnist Andrew Doyle, who presents the film, explains his thoughts after meeting the man behind the meme. Watch the full film here.

In 1941, a dog in Finland sparked a three-month investigation by Germany’s Nazi government. Tor and Josephine Borg had allegedly trained their Dalmatian to raise its paw in response to the word ‘Hitler’. The German embassy dismissed Tor Borg’s claim that he had not intended to insult the Führer, perhaps due to his admission that ‘Hitler’ was now the dog’s nickname. In the absence of witnesses, the charges were eventually dropped.

It would seem that the present-day Scottish judiciary is more tenacious than the Third Reich. When Markus Meechan (aka Count Dankula) was arrested in May 2016 for uploading a video to YouTube in which he teaches his girlfriend’s pug to perform a Nazi salute, few imagined the case would reach a court of law. The story seemed too absurd. In any case, it was surely unfeasible that the Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service would not intervene and prevent the Scottish legal system from becoming an international laughing stock.

Two years and thousands of pounds of taxpayers’ money later, Meechan was convicted at Airdrie Sheriff Court and fined £800 for breaching Section 127 of the 2003 Communications Act. The guilty verdict was reached on the grounds that the video was ‘grossly offensive’, a wildly subjective formulation which could be applied to literally anything, depending on how and by whom it is interpreted. In this case, the determination was made by one po-faced judge alone, without a jury to make up for his lacking sense of humour. In such circumstances, a miscarriage of justice was always a possibility.

During the course of making the documentary, I asked various members of the public how they felt about the case. Virtually everyone I spoke to understood that the pug video was intended as a joke, irrespective of whether they found it funny or not. Of the roughly three million people who watched the video online, not one complained to the police – the investigation was only able to proceed because the authorities actively trawled for witnesses who would find the material offensive.

The subsequent trial has exposed a yawning gap between the general public and those who occupy influential positions in the media and the judiciary. It is a peculiarity of our time that policymakers and law enforcers apparently lack the basic nous to identify an attempt at humour when they see it, or, more worryingly, have such a degraded view of humanity that they believe that many will be drawn to fascism and criminality on the basis of a misinterpreted prank.

‘It’s the juxtaposition that makes it funny’, Markus tells me, an explanation that under normal circumstances would scarcely be necessary. ‘A pug is arguably the cutest animal and “gas the Jews” is the most horrible phrase imaginable. This is my girlfriend’s dog. She loves the dog more than me. I knew it would piss her off. That was the whole point.’

To make matters worse, the conceit was outlined explicitly at the beginning of the original video, a point that appeared to escape the attention of the police. On the day of the arrest, one officer affirmed that he must be ‘an actual Nazi trying to inspire people to become Nazis’. Markus is rightly scornful of such leaps of faith.

‘The video was clear’, he says. ‘The context was clear. But in the trial the prosecutor said “we are allowed to ignore specific contextual parts of the evidence”. All I could think was, are you for fucking real?’

At his current home, Markus shows me the room in which he creates many of his videos. I admit to him that I am what is known as a ‘normie’, someone who relies predominantly on the mainstream media for my information. For those who are immersed in internet culture, traditional news outlets like the BBC are classified as ‘old media’, as opposed to the ‘new media’ of YouTube figures such as Sargon of Akkad (Carl Benjamin), Some Black Guy (Derrick Pilot) and Computing Forever (Dave Cullen). Whereas many YouTubers make their living from political commentary, Count Dankula’s channel is dedicated, by and large, to ‘shitposting’.

To demonstrate, Markus logs on to his Discord server, an online chat forum in which he spends most of his evenings. He posts a bulletin to the 8,000 or so members currently logged on: ‘Documentary guys are filming my Discord right now. You know what to do.’ Within 60 seconds I have seen pepe frogs, Lego porn, multiple drawings of Mr Blobby with an erection, and some scatological imagery that I have since been doing my utmost to forget.

‘It’s about getting a reaction’, he tells me. ‘There’s a whole community here from every background, race, sexuality, gender, age. We play pranks, we post memes, and we try to be as offensive as possible. I’m an adult in every other area of my life – my house is clean, I pay my bills – but when it comes to my free time I’m an immature arsehole.’ Naturally, this kind of tendency for troublemaking is likely to be misconstrued. To the uninitiated, it can even seem sinister.

In 1941, a dog in Finland sparked a three-month investigation by Germany’s Nazi government. Tor and Josephine Borg had allegedly trained their Dalmatian to raise its paw in response to the word ‘Hitler’. The German embassy dismissed Tor Borg’s claim that he had not intended to insult the Führer, perhaps due to his admission that ‘Hitler’ was now the dog’s nickname. In the absence of witnesses, the charges were eventually dropped.

It would seem that the present-day Scottish judiciary is more tenacious than the Third Reich. When Markus Meechan (aka Count Dankula) was arrested in May 2016 for uploading a video to YouTube in which he teaches his girlfriend’s pug to perform a Nazi salute, few imagined the case would reach a court of law. The story seemed too absurd. In any case, it was surely unfeasible that the Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service would not intervene and prevent the Scottish legal system from becoming an international laughing stock.

Two years and thousands of pounds of taxpayers’ money later, Meechan was convicted at Airdrie Sheriff Court and fined £800 for breaching Section 127 of the 2003 Communications Act. The guilty verdict was reached on the grounds that the video was ‘grossly offensive’, a wildly subjective formulation which could be applied to literally anything, depending on how and by whom it is interpreted. In this case, the determination was made by one po-faced judge alone, without a jury to make up for his lacking sense of humour. In such circumstances, a miscarriage of justice was always a possibility.

I visited Markus at his home in July of this year in order to make a documentary for spiked. I’ve long been fascinated by the case because it represents one of the more scandalous instances of the state’s ongoing adulteration of the principle of free speech. Prosecutions for jokes are not entirely new – an outrage in itself – but Markus’s case is so self-evidently preposterous that it merits particular consideration. Moreover, many in the media have made rash assumptions about his character and background, few of which, I was to discover, bear any relationship to reality.

During the course of making the documentary, I asked various members of the public how they felt about the case. Virtually everyone I spoke to understood that the pug video was intended as a joke, irrespective of whether they found it funny or not. Of the roughly three million people who watched the video online, not one complained to the police – the investigation was only able to proceed because the authorities actively trawled for witnesses who would find the material offensive.

The subsequent trial has exposed a yawning gap between the general public and those who occupy influential positions in the media and the judiciary. It is a peculiarity of our time that policymakers and law enforcers apparently lack the basic nous to identify an attempt at humour when they see it, or, more worryingly, have such a degraded view of humanity that they believe that many will be drawn to fascism and criminality on the basis of a misinterpreted prank.

I put it to Markus that perhaps choosing the phrase ‘gas the Jews’ as a trigger for the dog was ill-advised. That this was repeated 23 times during the video was the sole evidence presented by the prosecution for Markus’s intention to incite racial hatred. One would have thought that by addressing the words to a pug, the impact would be somewhat mitigated. But the Lanarkshire police are clearly worried about the possibility of widespread radicalisation through the medium of performing animals.

‘It’s the juxtaposition that makes it funny’, Markus tells me, an explanation that under normal circumstances would scarcely be necessary. ‘A pug is arguably the cutest animal and “gas the Jews” is the most horrible phrase imaginable. This is my girlfriend’s dog. She loves the dog more than me. I knew it would piss her off. That was the whole point.’
The Democratic town that took a chance on Trump
The Democratic town that took a chance on Trump
Tom Slater
Count Dankula and the fall of liberal Britain

To make matters worse, the conceit was outlined explicitly at the beginning of the original video, a point that appeared to escape the attention of the police. On the day of the arrest, one officer affirmed that he must be ‘an actual Nazi trying to inspire people to become Nazis’. Markus is rightly scornful of such leaps of faith.

‘The video was clear’, he says. ‘The context was clear. But in the trial the prosecutor said “we are allowed to ignore specific contextual parts of the evidence”. All I could think was, are you for fucking real?’

At his current home, Markus shows me the room in which he creates many of his videos. I admit to him that I am what is known as a ‘normie’, someone who relies predominantly on the mainstream media for my information. For those who are immersed in internet culture, traditional news outlets like the BBC are classified as ‘old media’, as opposed to the ‘new media’ of YouTube figures such as Sargon of Akkad (Carl Benjamin), Some Black Guy (Derrick Pilot) and Computing Forever (Dave Cullen). Whereas many YouTubers make their living from political commentary, Count Dankula’s channel is dedicated, by and large, to ‘shitposting’.

To demonstrate, Markus logs on to his Discord server, an online chat forum in which he spends most of his evenings. He posts a bulletin to the 8,000 or so members currently logged on: ‘Documentary guys are filming my Discord right now. You know what to do.’ Within 60 seconds I have seen pepe frogs, Lego porn, multiple drawings of Mr Blobby with an erection, and some scatological imagery that I have since been doing my utmost to forget.

‘It’s about getting a reaction’, he tells me. ‘There’s a whole community here from every background, race, sexuality, gender, age. We play pranks, we post memes, and we try to be as offensive as possible. I’m an adult in every other area of my life – my house is clean, I pay my bills – but when it comes to my free time I’m an immature arsehole.’ Naturally, this kind of tendency for troublemaking is likely to be misconstrued. To the uninitiated, it can even seem sinister.
Count Dankula and the fall of liberal Britain

‘A lot of normies don’t understand’, Markus says. ‘Most of the people who are involved in our culture are the sort who weren’t very popular at school, who were bullied, who felt rejected by society. They had this magical place to fall back on called the internet, where it didn’t matter who they were or what they looked like. Now there are people coming in and seeking to control that. They didn’t want us in mainstream society in the first place, and now they’re trying to kick us out of the world we created for ourselves.’

The concept of a community united by a sense of mischief is perhaps best exemplified by the fictional nation of shitposters known as Kekistan. Many outsiders have taken the Nazi-style design of the Kekistani flag as evidence that this subculture is simply a front for white supremacists.

‘Kekistan was invented to satirise identity politics’, Markus explains. ‘It’s a completely fake country with an invented history. The flag started as a meme. People think it’s out of reverence for the Nazis, but it’s the opposite. The Nazi flag is one of the most powerful symbols of the neo-Nazi movement. They hang it on their walls and praise it. Well, now it belongs to a bunch of neckbeards who masturbate to hentai.’

It is small wonder that the alt-right has little time for Markus or his videos, many of which are openly disparaging of white nationalists and their desire for an ethno-state. But this hasn’t stopped media pundits from tarring him with the same brush. For the two years since his arrest, the police and specialists in cybercrime intelligence have scrutinised his online history for any signs of far-right or racist tendencies. They have found precisely nothing. Based on the prosecution’s own comprehensive investigation, therefore, we can safely discount the supposition that Markus is a crypto-fascist using humour to spread a pernicious ideology. Unfortunately, as Markus observes, ‘Guardian columnists like to think they know a hell of a lot more than any intelligence division’.

Markus has decided not to pay the £800 fine as a matter of principle, instead donating the money to a children’s charity. Now that his appeal has been rejected, it is conceivable that he could face a custodial sentence. In spite of the potential consequences, he does not regret making the video because he believes that it has highlighted an important issue.

(Ответить) (Уровень выше) (Ветвь дискуссии)

2019-10-20 15:42 (ссылка)

И с этой хуйней так же будет, когда брекзит-истерика закончится.

(Ответить) (Уровень выше) (Ветвь дискуссии)

2019-10-20 16:12 (ссылка)
это как раз было предсказуемо, потому что Борис
Интернет в обиду не дает

но над говном на местах у него контроля нет,
так что там беспредел продолжается

(Ответить) (Уровень выше) (Ветвь дискуссии)

2019-10-20 17:17 (ссылка)
>потому что Борис

отвлекся на другую хуйню.

Но теперь или с брекзитом его прокатят, и он уйдет в закат посрамленный, и истерика с убийствами членов парламента кончится. Или не прокатят, и его хомячки успокоятся на время, и истерика опять же кончится. Профит в любом случае.

>но над говном на местах у него контроля нет

Это верно. Он его породил конечно, но контролировать и не собирался. Ему не до того, ему надо лишний ра в зеркало посмотреть.

(Ответить) (Уровень выше) (Ветвь дискуссии)

2019-10-20 19:11 (ссылка)
куда его с брекситом прокатят лол, до 31 октября осталось меньше, чем 2 недели.

может конечно алкаш опять врет и продление брексита опять будут давать столько раз, сколько джонсон попросит, пока британский парламент будет посылать нахуй подсунутые ему джонсоном проекты соглашения? на это было бы весело посмотреть.

всё прочее из твоего поста - хуита подзалупная.

(Ответить) (Уровень выше)

2019-10-20 19:40 (ссылка)
>Он его породил конечно

ась? суды там всегда были ебанутые,
ебанутых законов напринимали при Камероне,
Борис там никаким боком вообще

(Ответить) (Уровень выше) (Ветвь дискуссии)

2019-10-20 20:12 (ссылка)
Ты пробовал внимательно читать то, на что сам ссылаешься?

Статья из Таймс это конкретно про 2016 год -- референдум, сбесившиеся фараджевские хомячки, Jo Cox murder, вот это вот все. Ментам велели бороться с хейт-крайм, ну они и начали как умеют (т.е. криво и с нарушением конституции). До того и писка про такое не было, от слова вообще. Сейчас впрочем тоже утихло, по-видимому -- не зря твоя статья 2017 года, а свежее ничего нет.

Статья из Гардиан про proposed law, где-то апрельский -- ну и где он теперь? правильно, в /dev/null.

Остальное подробно не читал, не вижу смысла читать пропаганду (даже если она за все хорошее против всего плохого).

(Ответить) (Уровень выше) (Ветвь дискуссии)

2019-10-22 01:36 (ссылка)
с хейткрайм по-моему бесполезно бороться ментами,
это как бороться с прыщами, заклеивая кожу скотчем.
гной никуда не девается.

не уверен, что это решается без коренной перестройки системы,
а ее не будет, скорее всего.

ну или нужно принудительно поить население
транками и СИОЗС.

(Ответить) (Уровень выше) (Ветвь дискуссии)

2019-10-22 10:47 (ссылка)
Ну так они по факту и перестали уже.

Там была некоторая паника: вдруг полякам стали подсовывать в дверь бумажки "ВАЛИТЯ ДАМОЙ", депутатку парламента нахуй убили, и т.д.

>ну или нужно принудительно поить население транками и СИОЗС

Это смотря где. В Англии в принципе достаточно не возбуждать хомячков с целью забраться на трон. Сами по себе они обычно держатся в рамках, но периодически возбухают.

(Ответить) (Уровень выше)

2019-10-24 01:00 (ссылка)
ненависть к nazi - это западная скрепа.

(Ответить) (Уровень выше) (Ветвь дискуссии)

2019-10-24 05:05 (ссылка)
Это не скрепа, а горький опыт.

Руссморфы, если бы были хоть чуть-чуть умнее, так же относились бы к джугашвили.

(Ответить) (Уровень выше) (Ветвь дискуссии)

2019-10-24 08:49 (ссылка)
так это ж сладкий опыт
можем повторить
немки, брейте дырки бггггг

(Ответить) (Уровень выше) (Ветвь дискуссии)

2019-10-24 22:26 (ссылка)
к немкам твои путлеры бабки вывозят и лечиться ездят

а если ты что-нибудь там решишь повторить, тебя же сапогами в парашу целиком утолкают. пожалей себя, хоть немного.

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2019-10-24 22:37 (ссылка)
А они уже повторяют. Не немок, естественно, кто им даст -- прыжки на бутылке.

(Ответить) (Уровень выше) (Ветвь дискуссии)

2019-10-29 03:27 (ссылка)
любую немку сейчас можно спокойно купить, потому что все немки шлюхи

(Ответить) (Уровень выше)

2019-10-20 23:06 (ссылка)
ну дык, пакистанцы насилуют и продают, а белых аутистов садят за то что они потрогали и нанесли душевную травму
потому что быть выебанной настоящим мужчиной пакистанцем почетно, а когда аутист потрогал, то зашквар

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2019-10-21 03:39 (ссылка)
>белых аутистов садят за то что они потрогали и нанесли душевную травму

Потому что белые аутисты потрогали представительницу middle class, а этого нельзя. А пакистанцы торгуют девками из андеркласса, на которых всем похуй.

Я ничего не говорю про то, что хорошо и что плохо, ок? я обьясняю явление.

(Ответить) (Уровень выше)

2019-10-19 18:54 (ссылка)
>тупая хуйня из таблоида
проблема в том, что это одновременно легитимный судебный процесс

а любой бессмысленный судебный процесс это абьюз. хотите вы это обсуждать или нет - безразлично

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