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Пишет Misha Verbitsky ([info]tiphareth)
@ 2020-07-10 09:08:00

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Настроение: sick
Entry tags:.il, blm, evrei

протесты против расизма
Про погромы протесты против расизма в Лос-Анжелесе
проходившие под лозунгом "Fuck the police and kill the Jews."
Во время другого погрома, лос-анжелесские борцы с расизмом расписали
несколько синагог и школ граффити "Fuck Israel" и Free Palestine",
и ограбили все еврейские магазины.

Все это не недосмотр, а политика руководства BLM-движения,
в руководящем документе которого (среди других преступлений
белой расы) указан ведущийся евреями геноцид палестинского народа.

Вот тут в Аль-Джазире есть прекрасная статья
за авторством Йоава Литвина, активиста BLM и
популярного борца с евреями мировым
сионистским заговором, в которой излагается,
что американские негры - такие же жертвы
жидовских палачей сионистского геноцида,
как и палестинцы, и обязаны усвоить уроки
палестинцев: закупить побольше ракет и начать
глобальную интифаду.

еще ссылочки:


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2020-07-11 14:38 (ссылка)

History has shown your genetic disease
You're parasitical prone, you could never be pleased
Everywhere you've gone you've been treated for fleas
It's time to delouse the house we don't need none of these
Arming themselves to the teeth while taking Americans' guns
And all the time they're having so much fun
Just take a look what they've done, just take a look
Just take motherfucking look what they've done

They took the gold from Gaddafi, and the petrol from Hussein
Playing God with Assad's democratic regime
All over your Talmud vision ISIS is seen
But that big plasma screen is a crisis machine

High-Definition for the Goyim, holy holohoax
Ilya Ehrenburg's dream
There's too many facets for you to understand the plan
From plundering opium and lithium in Afghanistan
To justifying a fraudulent crisis to attack Iran
And finalize the Greater Israel by taking Pakistan

Just look at the blue borders on their vile flag
The designer of that thing is a foul fag
Acting like it represents Tallit and this and that
But I have seen the 1947 Rabbi Fischmann map

The greed, Lord have mercy!
You want Iraq, Syria, Egypt and even a little piece of Turkey
Tell me, when will your avarice cease?
Time immemorial, you're acting like nefarious beasts

I can't follow your holohoax dollar score
Especially when the Holomodor killed a lot more
I highly recommend it, that rhetoric you should end it
Your anti-gentile penchant has me very offended
And with a straight face you embrace how it's right
You're overplaying your sympathy card again Talmudite

The people you call Goyim are starting to awaken
And if you haven't noticed they're focused on taking back their nation
Historically parasitic utter degeneration
That is why you've been kicked out of 109 locations

The people you call Goyim are starting to awaken
And if you haven't noticed they're focused on taking back their nation
Historically parasitic utter degeneration
That is why you've been kicked out of 109 locations

All I'm sayin', Chosenite's lament,
God is not your real-estate agent
(Philistine ain't for rent)
All I'm really sayin' (Chosenite's lament)
God is not your little real-estate agent
(The Levant is not for rent)

I can visualize the laughter when they pass a bill like NAFTA
And tell you there's a crisis named ISIS they've been after
They're setting off bombs, they're chopping off heads!
Whatever boogeyman they can get under your bed
And if you refuse to turn your state to a comprador
You can bet your petrol we're about to have a proper war
You're not allowed to have a sandstone aquifer for independence
What the fuck d'you think they killed Gaddafi for?
They don't like one world enemies
This is the same pack that whacked Jack Kennedy
This is the same clique that kidnapped the Lindbergh baby
And murdered it ritualistically

This system is comprised of a liars disguise
The lower you're willing to go now the higher you rise
The less empathy you possess the more capital
You'll ultimately be able to invest in a fraudulent enterprise
The Talmudic lies are meticulously stacked
If you're able to deconstruct it's ridiculously whack
The Talmudic eyes are specifically rat
You heard Vampire Killers?
This ain't different from that

All I'm saying, Chosenite's better lament
God is not your real-estate agent
Or they're gonna be forced to repent my friend, my friend
All I'm saying, Chosenite's better repent
Your actions have been kind of flagrant
I don't think you quite understand it
All your sympathy cards have been spent
All I'm saying, I wanna give you a firm handshake
Break your knuckles, knock you the fuck out, wake you the fuck back up
And make you Rachel Corrie pancakes!
All I'm sayin',
The things I see you celebrating are utterly disgusting
From your eating of Haman's ears to
Promoting all these queers to your baby penis sucking
This is fascinating!
All I'm saying, you must be meshuggenah
God is not a real-estate agent
C'mon it's not hard to understand my man
All I'm saying, you're a trombenik
God is not a real-estate agent
What you doing here? What you doing here?

Constantly claim you're a genius
While you suck baby penis (yechh)
You like to mutilate (that's just a
Part of your nature), disrespect your woman
Can't you see there's a dichotomy? You'd have to be blind not to see
I mean, it's not about what you do to me
I'm simply making observations that I see
And what you accuse your opposition of is what you do
I wrack my brain just trying to understand
All of these atrocity crimes I see with my own eyes

Climate deniers got me hotter than a hoarder's head
Makes me want to take them way back into the slaughter shed
The engineering is so glaring it's a power shed
Imagine that! Water comin' out of German shower heads!

Oh my god I'm so offended
He grabbed my arm, I think he bent it
He grabbed my arm, I almost did a slide
I haven't felt this bad since my father died
These people have Tay-Sachs,
The psychological Ashkenazim disorder, where's your tact?
It's so easy to diagnose,
They're feeding on the host, parasitic to the max...

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2020-07-11 16:39 (ссылка)
офигеннейше риальне

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2020-07-14 09:27 (ссылка)
Такое ощущение, что лирику Садков писал.

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