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Пишет Misha Verbitsky ([info]tiphareth)
@ 2020-07-18 13:22:00

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Настроение: sick
Музыка:Current 93 - Island
Entry tags:blm, nyc, smeshnoe

That is harmful!
Это охуеннейше вообще
идет заседание нью-йоркского совета по образованию
советник по имени Robin Broshi (по профессии
чиновник от образования,
по основному призванию - борец с
) закатывает лютую истерику с судорогами
и пеной изо рта по случаю того, что ее коллега (белый) держит
на коленях черного младенца. В ответ на вопрос, а чего собственно
в этом ужасного, орет еще громче, что спрашивать о подобном
само по себе оскорбительно, а плебс должен сидеть молча и
конспектировать "The White Fragility".

Остальные чиновники там тоже ярко
в подобном же духе по большей части.

Вообще давно пора ввести люстрации для всех
людей со степенью по педагогике, уволить их нахуй
и не подпускать к детским учреждениям ближе, чем
на километр. Эта хуйня не только разрушает мозги,
она есть основная причина упадка школьного
образования в западном мире.

Morden: During our last meeting you were talking about

someone's friend on someone's lap when there were actual
kids who were saying there are racist acts in your school!
Sad! You are sad! But today you want to talk about...

Broshi: Ben!...It hurts people when they see a white man
bouncing a brown baby on their lap and they don't know the
context! That is harmful! It makes people cry! It makes
people log out of our meeting! They don't come here! They
don't come to our meetings! And they give me a hard time
because I'm not vocal enough! And I'm not trying to be a
martyr! I'm trying to illustrate to you that you think I'm
a f**k-excuse me-you think I'm a social justice warrior!
And you think I'm being patronizing and I'm getting
pressure for not being enough of an advocate! And I take
that to heart and that hurts me! And I have to learn to be
a better white person!

Wrocklage: I would like to know before this meeting
adjourns how having my friend's nephew on my lap was
hurtful to people and was racist. Can you please explain?

Broshi: Tom! I've explained it to you! You can Google-you
can read a book! Read [inaudible]! Read White Fragility!
Read How to Talk to White People! It's not my job to
educate you! You're an educated white man! You could read
a book and you could learn about it yourself!


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2020-07-19 00:53 (ссылка)

5th Circuit affirms right to fire LSU professor for excessive use of profanity in classroom
April 2, 2019 by David L. Hudson Jr.

Professor Teresa Buchanan was a tenured associate professor at Louisiana State University who was fired after her use of profanity in the classroom. (Photo, LSU, public domain)

A former tenured professor fired for excessive use of profanity in the classroom did not have her First Amendment free-speech rights violated, a federal appeals court has ruled.

The decision could have a damaging impact upon academic freedom and a real chilling effect on professorial expression.

The case involved Dr. Teresa Buchanan, a tenured associate professor at Louisiana State University (LSU) who taught in the Early Childhood Program for teacher education.

In November 2013, a public school superintendent complained about Buchanan’s lack of professionalism when she visited schools in the district. A group of students also complained about Buchanan’s use of profanity and sexual-themed comments.

An investigation began after these complaints. A faculty committee found that Buchanan had violated two provisions of the university’s sexual harassment policy and recommended that she be censured. However, the president of the university terminated Buchanan’s employment.

She sued in federal court, alleging a violation of her
rights to free speech and academic freedom. She also
challenged the constitutionality of the university’s
sexual harassment policy. In 2018, a federal district
court rejected her claims and ruled in favor of the
university defendants.

5th Circuit says academic freedom does not extend to all
speech in classroom

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