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Пишет Misha Verbitsky ([info]tiphareth)
Светов как раз идет в мейнстриме либертарианства
(которое в основной массе слилось с альтрайтом в неразличимое)

то есть понятно, что либертарианство изначально - чисто
спойлерский гебешно-корпоративный конструкт, по тому же типу,
что и антифа, на коленке сляпанный халтурщиками и дебилами,
чтобы молодежь не шла в коммунисты (скинхеды);

но в той мере, в которой они настоящие, а не для распиливания
корпоративного бабла, либертарианцы это чистый альт-райт
(ну, рон пол там, алекс джонс, вот это все)


In this age of rapidly accelerating technology the threat to our liberties is a very real and present danger. Alex Jones is a unique voice that sifts through the information and exposes the underlying intentions.

In the past, nations and empires have met on the battlefield to pit men and metal against their ideas. Now the true battlefield has become the sphere of information.

The manipulation of facts and the slow relentless war on reality is being waged on this landscape of the mind. When those who seek to control humanity can convince the world that what they say is true, we will rapidly descend into the most oppressive tyranny ever seen.

Alex Jones has built infowars from the ground up putting profits back into the company to continue to grow Exponentially. Alex has never taken a loan and is not beholden to advertisers, investors or any other group that could censor or influence his position. The listeners and viewers are Alex’s partners and he has vowed to honor their trust and always remain truly independent.

Alex Jones is internationally recognized by many as a trailblazer of new media and an icon of the burgeoning liberty movement.

Starting at the tender age of 20, Jones launched an access television show which within a year led to him scoring a highly rated week night radio show in Austin, Texas.

The Alex Jones Show is now syndicated on over 160 stations across the country and routinely breaks huge stories in addition to featuring some of the most insightful and news making guests from across the world.

Jones is dedicated to libertarian and constitutionalist ideas, in addition to what he has coined "1776 worldwide" - promoting a true culture of liberty, transparency and freedom on a planetary scale to empower humanity, while vehemently opposing Agenda 21 and the globalist threat to national sovereignty.

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