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Пишет Misha Verbitsky ([info]tiphareth)
@ 2020-08-14 19:57:00

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Настроение: sick
Музыка:Soft Kill - CHOKE
Entry tags:fascism, putin, sjw, smeshnoe, ur-realist

лекции о привилегиях белого человека и мужском шовинизме
[info]ogneev пришел к успеху
на ниве борьбы за путинопатриотизм:

В 1990-е мы с ним тесно общались, он занимался
организацией концертов всякого прогрессивного
андерграунда, типа Красных Звезд и Банды Четырех.
В то время вся эта борьба с русофобией и за имперское
величие была чрезвычайно модной. Без малейшей застенчивости
признаюсь, что писал то же самое, года вплоть до 2004-го,
а любителем русофобии стал не раньше 2008-го.

Как всегда в этой стране, философия
креативного меньшинства через 20 лет
становится говном и доминирующей идеологией.

Из этого можно заключить, что основной идеологией
говнорашки 2040-го будет адская русофобия. Подозреваю,
что в таком же подлейшем формате, как и путинопатриотизм.
Ну, например, всю сраную завесят плакатами с изображением
нового президента и подписью "Моего первого русского я
убил в 16 лет", а русским придется ежедневно проводить
полчаса на коленях, выслушивая лекции о привилегиях
белого человека и мужском шовинизме.

Вот, например, у старшего брата
в Санта Фе в ядерной лаборатории устроили
трехдневное обязательное обучение для белых мужчин,
в отеле за городом, где их заставляли каяться за
white privilege и опасность гетеросексуализма, и
объясняли, что трудолюбие белых чрезвычайно опасно
и оказывает сокрушительное влияние на расовые меньшинства.

In the opening thought-work session, the trainers demand

that the men make a list of associations about white male
culture. The trainers write "white supremacists," "KKK,"
"Aryan Nation," "MAGA hat," "privileged," and "mass

Next, the white male employees must expose the "roots of
white male culture," which consists of "rugged
individualism," "a can-do attitude," "hard work," and
"striving towards success"-which sound good, but are in
fact "devastating" to women and POCs.

Finally, as the reeducation camp concludes, the white
males must write letters "directed to white women, people
of color, and other groups regarding the meaning of this
Caucus experience." They apologize for their "privilege"
and pledge to become "better [allies]."

* * *

Интересно, что завзятые ельциноиды, от Мизулиной
и Путина до Памфиловой, Стебенковой и Чубайса, ныне
все как один - записные имперцы и дичайше топят за
православие и борьбу с гомосеками. Будет
охуительно смешно, когда через 15 лет все эти
нынешние имперцы и гомосекоборцы переделаются
в борцов с неоколониализмом, трудолюбием и мужской


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2020-08-15 03:55 (ссылка)
The Song Of Te Kooti
Poem by Arthur Desmond

Exult for Te Kooti! Te Kooti the bold;
So fierce in the onset, so dauntless of old,
Whose might was resistless-when battle-wars rolled,
Exult for Te Kooti, yo-hoo!

The Pakehas came with their rum and their gold,
And soon the broad lands of our fathers were sold,
But the voice of Te Kooti said: Hold the land! Hold!
Exult for Te Kooti, yo-hoo!

They falsely accused him, no trial had he,
They carried him off to an isle in the sea;
But his prison was broken, once more he was free-
Exult for Te Kooti, yo-hoo!

They tried to enslave us, to trample us down
Like the millions that serve them in field and in town;
But the sapling that's bended when freed will rebound-
Exult for Te Kooti, yo-hoo!

He plundered their rum stores, he ate up their priests,
He robbed the rich squatters to furnish him feasts -
What fare half so fine as their clover-fed beasts?
Exult for Te Kooti, yo-hoo!

In the wild midnight foray whose footsteps trod lighter?
In the flash of the rifle whose eyeballs gleamed brighter?
What man with our hero could clinch as a fighter?
Exult for Te Kooti, yo-hoo!

They say it was murder; but what, then, is war?
When they slaughtered our kin in the flames of the pa,
0 darker their deeds and more merciless far!
Exult for Te Kooti, yo-hoo!

They boast that they'll slay him -they'll shoot him at sight,
But the power that nerves him's a giver of might;
At a glance from his eye they shall tremble with fright -
Exult for Te Kooti, yo-hoo!

When the darkness was densest he wandered away
To rejoice in the charge of the wild battle-fray;
Now, his limbs they are feeble, his beard it is grey -
Exult for Te Kooti, yo-hoo!

The Eternal's our father, the land is our mother,
The forest and mountains our sister and brother;
Who'd part with his birthright for gold to another?
Exult for Te Kooti, yo-hoo!

We won't sell the land - 'tis the gift of the Lord -
Except it be bought with the blood-drinking sword;
But all men are welcome to share in its hoard -
Exult for Te Kooti, yo-hoo!

Yet 'mid the rejoicing forget not the braves
Who, in glades of forest, have found lonely graves,
Who welcomed cold Death, for they scorned to be slaves -
Exult for Te Kooti, yo-hoo!

Exult for Te Kooti, Te Kooti the bold,
So sage in the council, so famous of old,
Whose war-cry's our motto -- 'tis Hold the land! Hold!
Exult for Te Kooti, yo-hoo!

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