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Пишет Misha Verbitsky ([info]tiphareth)
а вот в ноябре 2019
(немного похоже на хуету, но хз)

Researchers studying sewage samples from southern Brazil found remnants of the novel coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2, as early as last November.

This potentially-groundbreaking study could have massive implications for how people all over the world understand the timeline and severity of the virus that causes the disease, COVID-19.

Not only does this suggest that it was present in the Americas at least two months before the first COVID-19 case was diagnosed in the U.S. state of Washington, it also suggests that the virus was present on the other side of the globe at least a month before its official identification by central Chinese scientists in late December.

This finding implies that officials in the Chinese
Communist Party were, at best, unaware of the new virus
for at least a month or, at worst, deliberately withheld
information from the world on a potentially contagious and
deadly virus that had originated within its borders. In
conjunction with accounts of Chinese government actions to
obfuscate and destroy evidence of the outbreak early on,
the truth is likely found in the latter.

The paper is still in pre-print, so it has not yet been
peer-reviewed, but the data and conclusion are
simple. Researchers describe their processes for detecting
RNA, the genetic material of the virus, in various samples
of sewage wastewater from the small Brazilian city of
Florianopolis taken from October 30, 2019 to early March

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