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Пишет Misha Verbitsky ([info]tiphareth)
@ 2020-12-23 10:15:00

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Настроение: sick
Музыка:Organic British Protest! You can stick your New World Order up your ARSE!
Entry tags:covid, smeshnoe, uk

Органический британский протест!
Песни протеста

Демонстранты с плакатами
"My body, my choice - no to mandatory masks!"

you can stick your new world order up your arse
you can stick your new world order up your arse
you can stick your new world order,
where the sun don't shine but ought to -
you can stick your new world order up your arse

singing we are the 99%
singing we are the 99%
singing we are the ninety, together we are mighty -
singing we are the 99%

the queen'll be arrested in her dressing gown
the queen'll be arrested in her dressing gown
the queen'll be arrested in her, 'cos she is such a sinner
the queen'll be arrested in her dressing gown

singing we are the 99%
singing we are the 99%
singing we are the ninety, together we are mighty -
singing we are the 99%

you can stick your fracking drilling up your arse
you can stick your fracking drilling up your arse
it's all our land you're killing
you can stick your fracking drilling up your arse

singing we are the 99%
singing we are the 99%
singing we are the ninety, together we are mighty -
singing we are the 99%

You can stick your 5G tower up your arse
You can stick your 5G tower up your arse
You can stick your 5G tower, it's a microwave on full power.
Stick your 5G tower up your arse!

singing we are the 99%
singing we are the 99%
singing we are the ninety, together we are mighty -
singing we are the 99%

there'll be blue skies when the chemtrails are all gone
there'll be blue skies when the chemtrails are all gone
there'll be blue skies when the chemtrails, and their evil plan fails -
there'll be blue skies when the chemtrails are all gone

singing we are the 99%
singing we are the 99%
singing we are the ninety, together we are mighty -
singing we are the 99%

you can stick your poison vaccines up your arse
you can stick your tv programs up your arse
you can stick your gmo foods, and we ain't gonna go school
stick your georgia guidestones up your arse

singing we are the 99%
singing we are the 99%
singing we are the ninety, together we are mighty -
singing we are the 99%

oh i'd rather be a human than a slave
oh i'd rather be a human than a slave
oh i'd rather be a human, and don't you know that you can?
oh i'd rather be a human than a slave

singing we are the 99%
singing we are the 99%
singing we are the ninety, together we are mighty -
singing we are the 99%

you can stick your new world order up your arse
you can stick your new world order up your arse
you can stick your new world order,
where the sun don't shine but ought to -
you can stick your new world order up your arse

Органический британский протест!

Автора зовут Darren Nesbit

По ссылке от [info]tremere.


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2020-12-24 23:58 (ссылка)
if you're happy and you know it, clap your hands


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Re: enjoy
2020-12-25 01:20 (ссылка)
спасибо, действительно очень похоже

(Ответить) (Уровень выше)

Re: enjoy
2020-12-27 15:53 (ссылка)
вот это ещё напоминает, если так подумать


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