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Пишет Misha Verbitsky ([info]tiphareth)
@ 2021-04-04 23:26:00

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Настроение: tired
Музыка:Githead - LANDING
Entry tags:covid, smeshnoe

Gestapo is not welcome here!
Тоже хорошее

Пастор Артур Павловский:

Please get out. Get out of this property. Immediately get
out. Get out of this property immediately. Out. I don't
wanna hear anything. OUT of this property immediately. I
don't wanna hear a word. OUT! OUT! OUT of this property!
Immediately, until you come back with a warrant. Out. OUT!
wanna talk to you. Not a word. OUT of this
property. Immediately out. I don't CARE what you have to
say. OUT! OUT! Out of this property, you Nazis! Out! OUT!
Gestapo is not allowed here! Immediately! Gestapo is not
allowed! OUT! Do you understand English? Get OUT of this
property. Go! So go! GO! And don't come back without a
warrant! Out, Nazi. OUT! OUT! You understand? Nazis are
not welcome here - out. And don't come back without a
warrant. Do not come back without a warrant - you
understand that? You're not welcome here. NAZIS are not
welcome here. Gestapo is not welcome here. Do NOT come
back, you Nazi PSYCHOPATHS.

Unbelievable. Sick, evil people. Intimidating people in a
CHURCH, during the PASSOVER. You Gestapo Nazi
communist... FASCISTS! Don't you DARE come in back
here. Can you IMAGINE these psychopaths? Passover - the
holiest Christian festival - in a year. And they're coming
to intimidate Christians during the holiest festival?
Unbelievable! What is wrong with those sick psychopaths?
It's beyond me. Wow! Wow. How dare they. How dare
they. Sick people. Sick people. Unbelievable; we're living
in a takeover - a total takeover of the government with
their thugs, goons, the brownshirts, the Gestapo wannabe
dictators, coming to the church with arms, with guns, and
tazers, and handcuffs, to intimidate during Passover

Well I guess that's what it is; they wanna enslave us all,
like the Egyptians did. They wanna be Pharaohs of
today. That's what they're doing. Unbelievable. People, if
you're not... wake up, stand up, wow, I don't know what is
going to happen tomorrow, if Canadians will not rise
up. Look what is happening in Germany. Germany is taken
over by fascism again. The wannabe-Hitlers are already
ruling. You cannot even leave from one city to another,
it's a total lockdown. If you will not be vaccinated like
a dog or a cat, you will not be able to buy or sell; you
will not be able to go to school or work.

Is that the future you want? Is that what you want for
your children and your grandchildren? Seriously, is that
the future of Canada? That's the future of Canada?
Wow. Unbelievable. Friends, you gotta join the fight. We
have rallies; we are meeting every week, and we need
NUMBERS. We need to stand up against them, and we need to
file lawsuits against their craziness right now, while we
still have the window of opportunity. Because, if we
don't do it now, I don't think we're going to have
tomorrow. Our rights are being taken away from us so
quickly, it's unbelievable. [Camera pans to departing
police vehicles] The Gestapo.

* * *

Блестящий перформанс, не хуже, чем
у Владимира Агапова (да славится).


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2021-04-06 13:43 (ссылка)
Конечно, а перед тем, как идти убивать, они накуриваются
до беспамятства, и поэтому называются: ассасины.

(Ответить) (Уровень выше) (Ветвь дискуссии)

2021-04-06 13:57 (ссылка)
а это уже настолько очевидно, что я постеснялся описывать

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2021-04-06 15:35 (ссылка)
не стесняйтесь, друзья
тут читаешь в беспамятсве и не всё отдупляешь, право

(Ответить) (Уровень выше) (Ветвь дискуссии)

2021-04-07 14:03 (ссылка)
не читай здесь ничего, долбоеб.

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2021-04-07 15:29 (ссылка)
а то что, дирижировать начнёшь?
тебя-то, советчика, я хорошо запомнил

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2021-04-07 20:05 (ссылка)
просто не читай здесь ничего, долбоеб.

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2021-04-08 08:38 (ссылка)
предложи ещё и не писать сюда ничего

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2021-04-08 11:25 (ссылка)
this goes without saying

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