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Пишет Misha Verbitsky ([info]tiphareth)
@ 2007-07-04 01:02:00

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Настроение: sick
Музыка: Альтернативная Космонавтика -- 5.03.1995 Дом Ученых
Entry tags:anticopyright, ljr

Написали порнографы

* From: Petter Hegre, (petter_hegre@yahoo.com)
* Subj: abuse
To: rossia.org
  It has come to our attention that you are hosting on your server,   without
prior approval or expressed permission, material which is copyrighted   by our
company. The material in question is:
  You are asked to remove the above material and ALL other images and   films
that are stolen from our site hegre-art.com and posted on your server(s) as
soon as possible, if not immediately. To post the above material on  your server
is a violation of copyright law, which is a federal offense.
  You are welcome to dispute this letter or to defend your use of the material
in question, but should be aware of the following:
  1) If asked NO PERMISSION will be granted to keep the material in question
on the website/page.
  2) Any & all threats, or responses of a threatening nature, WILL BE REPORTED.
  3) Any claim to the effect that permission WAS granted or taken for  granted
MUST be supported by irrefutable proof in the form of an attached  document
from us to you with the following: date of request & date of received
permission, and the email/letter in which the permission was asked, given,
  4) We DO keep record of permission given & to whom it was given, and   have
thorough documentation of such.
  A copy of this letter has been retained by the sender(s). If the  material in
question remains on your server after the passage of 48 hours you  will again
be given notice of your infringement. If you continue to ignore this  request
appropriate action will be taken.
  Petter Hegre Studio

Смешно. Они их, видимо, веером рассылают,
потому что [info]pornograf никаких картинок на LJR не
выложил, и технически не может их выложить, и каким образом
пидорасы собираются привлекать его (или меня) к суду,
неизвестно даже им самим. Разве что ментам взятку дадут.

Гондоны драные.


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2007-07-04 02:32 (ссылка)
Нужен пароль.
Дальше - создать у нас пользователя для импорта,
и от его лица запустить импорт.

Без пароля LJ не отдаст контент.

Такие дела

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2007-07-04 02:33 (ссылка)

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