toyprotector's Journal
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Below are the 5 most recent journal entries recorded in toyprotector's LiveJournal:

    Sunday, July 16th, 2023
    7:23 am
    Reply to 4chan post on /x/
    07/16/23(Sun)07:17:45 No.35309932
    265 KB
    265 KB JPG
    suffering is beneficent as there exists no other impetus to draw beings out of distress and towards furthered wellness
    it is all-but as crucial to the morphology of reality as orgasm itself
    there is no evil
    everything is fundamentally Good.

    You are retarded but I don't blame you. You started with a correct but imprecisely expressed insight, which if betterly put would be: suffering exists as a signal whose purpose is alerting the living body of potential or real damage to itself in any sphere it imagines as important (including here psychological suffering) to "convince it" to try to prevent the damage from being furthered and thus to protect it. But from this you jump to "it is (...) crucial to the morphology of reality" and "there is no evil", things which not only do not follow, but are easily disproved by anyone with the minimum of reflection on the subject. There is evil! Or else what do you call the damage to the living body that the suffering mechanism was alerting the living body about? Getting poked in the eye is an evil to try to ward off, as is getting your hand burned. It's not evil because it hurts, it's evil because it damages the living body, making it less likely to survive. Saying "suffering is crucial to the morphology of reality" ia akin to saying "reality would have no morphology without suffering" or "reality's morphology necessarily has suffering" whereas suffering is an evolved trait of living beings, which have not always existed, as showed by the theories of evolution and abiogenesis. So... at the time living beings weren't here yet, reality had no suffering, but you said reality necessarily has suffering at all times. Absurd. QED. I guess the source of your errors must be that you're stuck in some form of psychological realism, that is, you must believe that there is no reality to external objects independent of the human mind (or animal mind, etc).
    Friday, January 27th, 2023
    12:33 pm
    Estou aprendendo a jogar xadrez
    No gif, vitória contra o bot Catspurrov do

    Friday, May 27th, 2022
    11:01 pm
    Lesswrongueiros são retardados
    Lesswrongueiros são retardados porque eles associam bem e mal com sofrimento (bem reduz sofrimento, mal aumenta sofrimento) em vez de com existência, que seria o correto.
    Bom é o que faz bem, isto é, o que beneficia (a existência de) algo, torna mais permanente, engrandece, torna mais fácil ou provável.
    Mau é o que faz mal, i.e., o que maleficia (a existência de) algo, torna menos permanente, apequena, torna menos fácil ou provável.
    (Note o contraste positivo/negativo.)
    Neutristas evitam esses conceitos, que são tão fundamentais ao senso comum, mas infelizmente devido às reservas de alguns acabam não ficando tão claros.
    Esses dois fariam parte dos meus conceitos fundamentais.

    Confundir e fazer o bem ser o negativo e o mal o positivo com o sofrimento como medida faz esquecer que o sofrimento é apenas o meio que o ser vivo possui para fazer saber a si mesmo que sua própria existência está sendo reduzida.

    Essa confusão leva a absurdos tais como a idéia de que seria um grande bem o extermínio (ou extinção) da população humana visto que isso eliminaria toda actualidade e possibilidade de sofrimento dela. O apelo do suicídio repousa em uma confusão análoga. Nestes dois casos o bem que o sofrimento visava preservar ao sinalizar sua precarização (a existência) e mover o ser para que faça algo é paradoxalmente sacrificado.
    Friday, May 8th, 2020
    2:04 pm
    Breaking content security

    Thursday, May 7th, 2020
    1:48 pm
    Hello, world. This is my first entry. Who am I? Toy Protector, the protector of toys. What do I want? To protect toys. From who? From those who would shame them. For instance? Antipathic women who value maturity way too high. Why would they value it so highly? Because they are looking for partners who are responsible and unimaginative to leech on. Terrible!