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Tuesday, February 22nd, 2011

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    Почему я не доверяю Эдварду Виттену
    В этом препринте физик-теоретик Берт Шроер утвезждает, что Виттен высказался в пользу вторжения в Ирак:

    During the last three years while visiting many universities
    in Europe and Brazil I have never met any academic person who, independent
    of his political affiliation did not consider this as an illegal act. This in part explains my profound disappointment when some weeks before the invasion of Iraq my attempts to encourage my US colleagues to start a public anti-war campaign ended in failure. When Ed Witten informed me that he is actually in favor of a war for regime change, I painfully realized that I was still living in the past. We had a couple of email exchanges and when I realized that I was not able to change his opinion that this was a good idea, I reminded him that often the way into hell is paved by good intentions.

    Я элементарно не верю, что Виттен, сидевший, кстати, не в окопе, а в одном из ведущих академических центров, мог добросовестно заблуждаться насчёт мотивации Буша и Ко. "Good intentions," my ass. Только непорядочный человек мог одобрить ту войну.

    UPD: Справедливости ради, Виттен подписал коллективное письмо Бушу против атомных бомбёжек Ирана.

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