Tue, Mar. 9th, 2010, 01:28 am


: D. Palevitch, A. Levy

Abstract: Alternative sources for opium drugs are urgently needed due to increase in abuse of opiates. Papaver bracteatum is considered to be a potential source of raw material for the production of codeine and anti-addiction drugs, without the involvement of morphine. During the last 14 years efforts have been made in Israel to domesticate this wild species by breeding cultivars with high thebaine content and by development of modern cultural practices for the production of capsules or roots. A large variation in thebaine content was found within the wild populations originating from two locations in Iran. Significance negative correlations were found among some of the thebaine yield components. Thebaine yield showed the lowest heritability and therefore a low selection response. However, high selection response was obtained for the thebaine content in the capsules. A significant increase in the thebaine content of the capsules was found in colchicine-induced tetraploid plants. However, the thebaine yield was slightly reduced due to the low number of capsules in the autotetraploid plants. Through selection, early planting and cultivation in locations with cold winters, a high flowering rate was achieved during the first growing season despite the perennial habit of this plant. Foliar application of gibberellic acid enhanced the flowering, especially in late-flowering clones. The concentration of thebaine was not affected by GA3. However, the thebaine yield per plant was increased due to the increase in number and mass of the capsules. Studies of the accumulation of thebaine in the roots showed that the maximum concentrations were obtained at the start of the flowering stage. However, the mass of the roots and thus the thebaine yield increased until full flowering. The lower parts of the roots contained the highest thebaine concentration.

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