wieiner_ - I am in kiyev hehe [игры]
June 2nd, 2019
03:07 pm


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I am in kiyev hehe

(91 комментарий | сказать)

Date:June 2nd, 2019 - 06:21 pm
Ебло как ебло, обычный мужичок средних лет. Неси сюда своё, повосхищаемся
[User Picture]
Date:June 3rd, 2019 - 10:07 am
People say on peptided you can make younger yourself
But its way to menthal health degraduation
And one more thing stvolovy_kletki
Date:June 3rd, 2019 - 10:24 am
He-he, are you talking about growth hormone and its fragments? It's good for the brain, actually, but may be counterproductive as far as longevity is concerned. Caloric restriction, on the other hand...
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