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Слава Великому Гитлеру Освободителю! [Feb. 28th, 2020|11:07 pm]
Heil Hitler!
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[Aug. 4th, 2017|06:45 pm]
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[Aug. 4th, 2017|06:40 pm]
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Письмо узников российских концлагерей Д. Трампу [Jan. 20th, 2017|02:13 pm]
Господин Президент Трамп!

Ваша избирательная кампания прошла под лозунгом "Сделаем Америку снова великой". Сейчас, когда российское руководство осознанно и небезуспешно превращает свою страну в новую версию СССР, когда в России торжествует политический террор в отношении инакомыслящих, а русские войска захватывают территории сопредельных государств, Ваш предвыборный лозунг актуален, как никогда.

Мы помним, кому был обязан мир усмирением Советского союза, кому мы, родившиеся в СССР, обязаны надеждой на достойную жизнь, шансом, которым мы, к сожалению, не смогли воспользоваться. Безусловно, это в первую очередь - Великая Америка, и её великий Президент Рональд Рейган.

Мы с ужасом и беспокойством наблюдали за излишней толерантностью Соединённых Штатов по отношению к Борису Ельцину в то время, когда тот уже показал себя в Чечне достойным продолжателем советских генсеков, строителей коммунистической тюрьмы народов. Шокированные трагедией 11 сентября 2009-го года, мы не нашли слов предупредить Президента Буша о чудовищной ошибке, которую он совершает, принимая Путина, бывшего сотрудника крупнейшей террористической организации ХХ века - КГБ, - в круг равноправных партнёров по антитеррористической борьбе. С тяжёлым недоумением мы смотрели, как Президент Обама играл с путинской куклой - господином Медведевым, объявляя "перезагрузку отношений" со страной, достойной встать в один ряд с Афганистаном, Ираком, Ливией и испытать на себе всю мощь доблестной американской армии.

Господин Дональд Трамп! Вы знаете, конечно, что Ваше избрание на пост президента США вызвало в мире не только надежды на исправление левого крена американской политики последних лет, но и активизацию слухов о Вашей едва ли не дружбе с российским диктатором Путиным. От всей души надеемся, что это - гнусная ложь, распространяемая путинскими агентами с целью очернить Вас, также, как и вскрывшиеся недавно попытки российских спецслужб с помощью уже откровенно бандитских хакерских приёмов вмешаться, якобы в Вашу пользу, в ход центрального процесса американской государственности - свободного народного волеизъявления - также преследовали единственную цель: посеять сомнения в Вашей легитимности. Надеемся, что Соединённые Штаты под Вашим руководством найдут достаточно убедительные и радикальные средства, чтобы навсегда отбить охоту России лезть во внутренние дела свободных стран, будь то Великая Америка или маленькая Украина, станут, в соответствии с вызовами времени, достойной силой, противостоящей новому СССР на новом витке холодной войны.

Смерть России! Америка должна править миром!

Борис Стомахин, политзаключенный, ФКУ ИК-10, 618232, Пермский край, Чусовский р-он, пос. Всесвятский.
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Путинским собакам - собачья смерть! [Dec. 27th, 2016|01:39 pm]
Путинской собаке Глинке - собачья СМЕРТЬ! Радуюсь и веселюсь уничтожению Божьим Промыслом 92 голов путинского зловонного скота орков. До этого порадовался забою жирной путинской свиньи "посла" Карлова в Турции мужественным героем партизаном, повторившим подвиг Русского Героя Бориса Каверды в Варшаве в 1927. Почти каждый день приносит мне радость и веселье и возможность поплясать на костях путинских ублюдков.
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First They Came for National Action [Dec. 16th, 2016|02:37 am]
First They Came for National Action

AltRight GOP
The Right Stuff
December 15, 2016

In an unprecedented move, the British government has officially banned the “far right” organization, National Action, under U.K anti-terrorism laws.

The British government appears to be taking the threat posed by the far-right more seriously than in the past, leading to speculation other groups could be banned in the near future.

Home Secretary Amber Rudd is the one responsible for the decision and she explained her rationale thusly:

“This will mean that being a member of, or inviting support for, this organisation will be a criminal offence. National Action is a racist, anti-Semitic and homophobic organisation which stirs up hatred, glorifies violence and promotes a vile ideology, and I will not stand for it. It has absolutely no place in a Britain that works for everyone.”

The legislation which gives Rudd the authority to ban National Action is the U.K. Terrorism Act which was initially passed in 2000 but was amended in 2006 after the London bus bombings by Muslim terrorists. The law is basically the U.K.’s version of the Patriot Act but it’s actually more stringent since the 2006 amendment allowed for the criminalization of “glorifying terrorism.”
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Дело о педофильском интересе Буковского [Dec. 15th, 2016|09:49 am]
Он совершил преступление против нравственности и подставил бывших советских диссидентов и нынешних либералов. Он больше не нравственный авторитет. Но полицаи совершилм уголовное преступление, шпионя, кто заходит на сайты педофилов. Полицаи, конечно, шпионят и за сайтами политических противников британской диктатуры.В первую очередь. "Суд" над Буковским отменить, полицаев посадить.

Полицейский террор в Англии продолжается. Наш национал-социалист Джошуа Боунхилл сидит 3,5 года в английском Гулаге за карикатуру на т.н. "холокост" на его сайте. Теперь ему добавят еще 2 года по тюремному суду 3 старые карикатуры на матерую еврейскую преступницу "парламентаршу" Лусиану Бергер (изображена в виде крысы). Такого не было и в СССР. Там если давали срок,то он охватывал все старые "преступления" мысли. Таким образом в Британии можно сидеть пожизненно за преступления мысли. Старые "эпизоды" будут все время добавляться полцаями мысли.

12 декабря полицейская сволочь запретила мирную сетевую организацию британских национал-социалистов National Action. Полицаи объявили их "террористами".
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Св. Амброзий о жидах [Sep. 6th, 2016|03:30 am]
Aurelius Ambrosius, better known in English as Saint Ambrose (/ˈæmbroʊz/; c. 340 – 4 April 397), was a bishop of Milan who became one of the most influential ecclesiastical figures of the 4th century.

“The Jews are the most worthless of all men. They are lecherous, greedy, rapacious. They are perfidious murderers of Christ. They worship the Devil. Their religion is a sickness. The Jews are the odious assassins of Christ and for killing God there is no expiation possible, no indulgence or pardon. Christians may never cease vengeance, and the Jew must live in servitude forever. God always hated the Jews. It is essential that all Christians hate them.”
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Смерть россии гадине! Крым - это Украина [Aug. 8th, 2016|04:09 pm]
Борис Стомахин

Распад России неизбежен. Это факт. Это даже не обсуждается.

Украинская революция, окончательный (хочется надеяться) облом имперско-реваншистских притязаний Москвы на новый захват Украины, отзвуки этой революции в душах всех угнетенных Москвой народов, - со всей неизбежностью ставят вопрос о восстановлении созданного еще Степаном Бандерой, но распущенного в 1996 г. Антибольшевистского блока народов. Теперь — по формальной причине - он, видимо, вместо «Антибольшевистского» будет называться «Антиимперским». Вопрос о его формировании уже поставила на своем сайте украинская партия «Свобода».

Мы в России пережили 2 колониальных войны на Кавказе, геноцид чеченского народа, агрессию против Грузии, фактическую аннексию Москвой Абхазии и Самачабло...

Но Крым стал абсолютным финишем! Гранью, отделяющей тот свет от этого, добро от зла. Последней каплей.

«Аннексия Крыма стала идеальным сепаратором. <...> Страна попросту разделилась надвое — на радостное патриотическое большинство и кучку «национал-предателей», полагающих, что интервенция — она и в Африке интервенция», - пишет Виктор Шендерович в журнале «The New Times».

Не только украинской нации, но и российским диссидентам Путин — нет худа без добра — подарил шикарную национальную, или просто ведущую и организующую идею. Очень сильную и продуктивную. Спасибо Путину :)

Кроме неизбежного, законного и крайне желательного (привет статье 280.1 УК РФ!) отделения в будущем от РФ Ингрии, Карелии, Петсамо, Восточной Пруссии, Абрене, Петсери, Идель-Урала, всей Сибири (не меньше! - и, не исключено, часть ее присоединится к США), китайского Дальнего Востока, японских Курильских островов и Сахалина, и т. д., и т. п.; кроме борьбы за признание Имарата Кавказ, поддерживать который — долг каждого честного человека с российским гражданством, - теперь у нас есть центральная, генеральная, ведущая, абсолютная идея, подчиняющая себе все, придающая жизни смысл: возвращение Крыма Украине!

На любой свободной стене в любом городе России теперь мы должны писать: «Русские оккупанты — вон из Крыма!», «Русские свиньи, верните Крым Украине!». Сделайте уже сегодня транспаранты с этими надписями.

Ни о какой борьбе за то, чтобы сделать Россию в ее нынешних границах «демократической», не может быть и речи: это совершенно безнадежно. Никаких любимых «белоленточниками» возгласов «Россия будет свободной!» - не будет! Уже пробовали — результата ноль. Бороться можно только за ее ликвидацию — и распад есть самый простой, короткий и естественный путь к этому. Спасать надо не Россию, а от России, - всех, кого еще можно спасти. И в Крыму, увы, спасать как раз есть кого.

Уже много лет назад, еще во времена лужковско-затулинско-лимоновских притязаний на Крым в 90-е годы, было ясно, что захват Крыма Россией стал бы катастрофой для крымских татар, прологом к их новому геноциду. Судьба чеченцев, также жертв двойного геноцида — сперва сталинского, а после ельцинско-путинского — убеждает в этом лучше любых прогнозов и геополитических выкладок. Русские не прощают те народы, которым они когда-то причинили зло.

ФСБ вела работу по расколу и нейтрализации Меджлиса крымско-татарского народа много лет, задолго до марта 2014 года. И вот... Недопущение Мустафы Джемилева в захваченный москалями Крым, а затем предупреждение москальской прокуратуры Меджлису, что он может быть (и безусловно, вскоре будет) запрещен на всей территории РФ как «экстремистская организация», - это только первый звоночек. Только прелюдия к геноциду, и ничто иное. Если, конечно, цивилизованный мир и российские диссиденты не успеют спасти крымских татар.

Москалей, заселенных в 40-е годы в опустевший Крым Сталиным и голосовавших на фальшивом «референдуме» (под дулами автоматов путинских оккупантов - «зеленых человечков») за аннексию Крыма Россией, абсолютно не жалко было бы хоть в море топить, хоть в печах сжигать. Но, к счастью, таких там все-таки меньшинство: реально за Москву в Крыму голосовало не больше 15-20% населения — примерно половина от 30-35% реально пришедших на участки.

Крым — это Украина и должен быть возвращен Украине! Отныне - это наша национальная идея, наша клятва и зарок, утренняя и вечерняя молитва, наше «Отче наш» и «Ave Maria». Засыпая и просыпаясь, на улице и дома, при восходе солнца и при закате мы должны повторять: «Крым — это Украина! Москалi, геть з Криму!». Мы должны жить ради этого.

Тем паче, что диссидентам в Москве и не для чего больше жить, не за что бороться. (Про «демократию») мы уже говорили выше). В Питере — за независимую Ингрию и украинский Крым! В Кенигсберге — за независимую Восточную Пруссию и за украинский Крым! В Татарстане — за независимый Идель-Урал и за украинский Крым! В Сибири — за независимую Сибирь и за украинский Крым! А в Москве — только за украинский Крым!! Ну и за распад и прекращение существования самой РФ, конечно.

Ибо понятно, что без ликвидации РФ как таковой вернуть Украине Крым нереально. Добром москали то, что удалось захапать, не отдают.

Как бесспорно и то, что вообще независимость Украины, не только после революции, но даже после грядущего вступления в НАТО, не может считаться обеспеченной и защищенной, пока не ликвидирована хищная и агрессивная имперская Россия. Затеянная ею война в Донбассе, массовая поддержка Москвой террористов в Донецке и Луганске — четкое тому доказательство.

Зачем теперь жить? Чтобы вернуть Крым Украине.

Отдельный сводный батальон российских диссидентов примет участие в параде украинской армии в освобожденном от москалей украинском Севастополе.

Россия должна быть — в идеале — побеждена в войне, разгромлена военным путем и навсегда стерта с карты мира.

И — напоследок — персонально Виктору Шендеровичу. «Обнаружилось, что огромное количество условно-либеральных «своих» готовы разрыдаться на путинской груди от гордости за Россию по поводу возвращения «нашего» Крыма», - пишет он в той же статье в «The New Times».

Что ж, Виктор Анатольевич, добро пожаловать к нам — в стан не «условно», а радикально-либеральной оппозиции. В новый, самой жизнью востребованный Антиимперский блок народов против Москвы. В новое диссидентское движение, принципиально отдельное от Ваших «белоленточных» соратников и друзей. В круг людей, которые не только не приемлют восторгов патриотического быдла так же, как и Вы, но и — поставили себе целью всей своей дальнейшей жизни возвращение Крыма Украине!

Июль 2014 г.
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Названия жидов по-английски [Aug. 8th, 2016|10:12 am]
Jewish Racial Slurs List

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
August 7, 2016

with jews you lose

Here is an important list of Jew slurs found on

I have shared this with the editorial staff of this site, and am now sharing it with you all as well.

Some of these I’ve never heard and may have in fact just been made-up by However, that doesn’t mean they can’t enter normal usage by being promoted on the internet.
Slur Represents Reason & Origins
10% Off Jews Refers to circumcision and consumerism (never pay retail). The term is most widely used in the UK where circumcision among non-Jews or non-Muslims is more rare, but in the United States, where it is more common, it can be considered insulting to many non-Jewish males as well.
539 Jews Corresponds with the letters J-E-W on a telephone.
AMF Jews Short for “Arbeit Macht Frei” (Work Brings Freedom) which was on the gates of the concentration camp Auswitz
Bagel-Dog Jews From Kosher “bagel dogs” – a Kosher sausage inside of a bagel.
Bar Code Jews Jewish prisoners were tattooed with a number on their arm while in concentration camps. While the bar code was not invented(or at least patended) until after the war, this is a slur in common, although incorrect, usage.
Beanie Jews Referring to the yarmulke.
Beastie Boy Jews Jews who act Black, like the Jewish rap group The Beastie Boys.
Bible-Shortener Jews Seen on a Conan O’Brien sketch “Rednecks’ Favorite Euphemisms for Jews,” backwards refers to the difference between the Christian Bible and the Jewish one. The Christian Bible includes the “New Testament” whereas the Jewish Bible does not.
Big Nose Jews Refers to how Jews are said to have large noses.
Bones Jews Reference to the holocaust when Jews were often worked so hard, they were turned into a mere pile of bones.
Brew Jews Short for “Hebrew”.
Bronx Indian Jews Probably not derogatory, possibly self-referential. Most likely from sometime between the turn of the century and the early sixties. I have only found one reference to it, but I believe it is most likely from the fact that in the first half of the twentieth century, for a period almost fifty percent of the Bronx was Jewish, thus they were seemingly like the native population of the Bronx.
Bun Jews As in “bun in the oven.”
Burger Jews Many of their names end it “Burg”
Campers Jews WWII reference and the propensity of Jewish parents to send their children to summer camps.
Canadian Goose Jews Joe Kennedy used this term in public to refer to Jews without anyone knowing he was doing so. Refers to Jews being loud, pesty and foreign (as the geese are in Massachusetts), and having big noses
Cashew Jews Catholic Jews. Mainly, the children of a Jew and a Catholic. Originated from a standup routine by Jack Carter in the 60s
Christ Killer Jews See: Jesus Killer.
Circle-K Jews Circle K appears on kosher food labels
Cliptip Jews Circumcision reference.
Crikey Jews A corrupted version of “Christ Killer”
Dead Sea Pedestrian Jews See: Red Sea Pedestrian.
Dial Jews During WWII, the Nazis would make soap out of the fat of the burned Jews (Dial is a brand of soap). This story is said to be true, and also said to be merely war propaganda.
Dreidl Jews Jewish toy
Easy-Bake Nigger Jews WWII reference.
Falasha Jews Ethiopian Jews. A derogotory nickname. The proper name is Bet-Yisrael
Firewood Jews WWII Holocaust reference. ‘Nazi Firewood’ to be more specific.
Four By Two Jews Cockney rhyming slang “four by two” = Jew.
Gargamel Jews Refers to greedy, money centered nature of Jews. Reference from Smurfs cartoon.
Gatemaster Jews Some say they are destined for hell.
German Candle Jews Nazi’s incinerated many Jews during WW2
German Oven Mitt Jews WWII.
Gew Jews A German Jew. Pronounced like ‘goo’.
Gingerbread Man Jews Reference to the practices of the former state of Germany.
Goldberg Jews Common Jewish name. Also has slight money-related reference.
Goldie Jews Jews had to wear gold stars of david during WW2
Half-Dick Jews Circumcision reference.
Hanah Jews Popular Jewish name for girls, pronounced like the chanu in Chanukah
Hebe/Heeb Jews Short for Hebrew.
Hebro Jews Black Jews. Combination of “Hebrew” and “bro,” or “Hebrew” and “Negro.”
Hickory-Smoked Jews WWII.
Himey Jews Most noteworthy usage by Rev. Jesse Jackson calling New York “himey town.” Also: heime, heimey
Hooknose Jews In recognition of a common Hebrew facial characteristic.
Horvitz Jews Last name of famous Jewish con-artist/criminal. Refers to Jews who complain about low-paying jobs.
Hot Pocket Jews “Quick easy thing to cook in an oven.”
Hymie Jews Common name: Chaim, pronounced (roughly) hy-EEM. Jesse Jackson once referred to New York City as “Hymie-town.”
Ikey-Mo Jews Abbreviation of “Isaac Moses”.
Interesting Jews Used by some upper-class Whites, especially females, when discussing men. “He’s a nice guy. Is He…interesting?”
Isaac Jews Used by Errol Flynn in a 1933 letter to German intelligence agent Hermann Erben. Assumes that “Isaac” and all of its other incarnations are common names among Jews.
JAP Jews Stands for “Jewish-American Princess”. Related to the familiar ‘Yenta’. Origins in Philip Roth’s short story “Goodbye Columbus.”
Jesus Killer Jews Christians in the times of WWII when the Jews were most hated used this slur as a reason to hate Jews.
Jew Jews Short for Jewish. Not really a slur but could be if you say it the right way.
Jew Jew Bee Jews Theres a type of candy called JuJu
Jew Yorker Jews Due to high incidence of Jews in NY
Jew-Bag Jews Reference to being cheap.
Jewbacca Jews Hairy Jews. In reference to the hairy creature Chewbacca from the Star Wars movies.
Jewbling Jews Small/young Jews.
Jewbrew Jews Hebrew combined with Jew
Jewbu Jews A former person of the Jewish faith who has switched to Buddhism(apparently there are many).
Jewess Jews Mix of Jew and Princess, as the teenage girls are often treated like. Not any more a slur than Jew is.
Jewgaboo Jews A Jewish person that acts or tries to act like a black person or is half black.
Jewlet Jews Female Teenage Jews. Heard frequently in NY.
Jewmaican Jews A Jewish person that acts Jamaican or Rastafarian or is half Jamaican.
Jewpac Jews Twist on Tupac Shakur’s name.
Jewpidity Jews Jewish + stupidity.
JUBU Jews Jewish people attempting to act black. From the clothing marketed towards black people, FUBU.
Kike Jews Originates from the word ‘keikl’, in Yiddish, which means ‘circle’, the reason being that the first Jewish immigrants in America, who were unable to sign their names, signed with a circle instead of a cross.
Kosher Konsumer Jews They only eat kosher food
Koshie Jews As in kosher
Lamp Shade Jews The Nazis had lamp shades made from Jewish skin
Matza-Gobbler Jews Matza is Jewish un-levened bread
Matzah Jews Refers to the Jewish food matzah balls
Mockey Jews Jews “mocked” Jesus at his death.
Morta Cristo Jews Italian for ‘Christ-killer.’
Moses Jews Famous Jew who led his people out of Egypt.
Mosquito Jews Jews tend have long noses, similar to a mosquito.
Nickel Nose Jews Money and Facial characteristic.
Oven Magnet Jews Attracted to the inside of ovens.
Oven-Baked Jews World War II reference.
Oven-Dweller Jews World War II reference.
Palm Beacher Jews Elderly Jews in Palm Beach County Florida deadlocked the election for 2 months.
Penny Chaser Jews The old “Jews are cheap” thing.
Penny-Pincher Jews Cheapness
Pinocchio Jews Pinocchio’s nose corrolates with that of a stereotypical Jew.
Pizza Jews Both go in the oven.
Popular Science Jews Experiments performed on the Jews during WW2
Porky Jews The Old Testament forbids them to eat pork
Red Sea Pedestrian Jews Moses led the Israelites across the Red Sea from Egypt. Heard in Monty Python’s “Life of Brian.”
Scooby Doo Jews Rhyming slang for ‘Jew’.
Seinfeld Jews Probably one of the most famous Jews.
Self-Chosen Jews In reference to their moniker ‘chosen people of God.’
Sheeny Jews From Yiddish “shaine” or German “schon” meaning “beautiful”.
Sheister Jews Like a shyster lawyer. One who carries on any business, especially legal business, in a mean and dishonest way.
Shnozzle Jews They have large noses, or “shnozzes.”
Shonnicker Jews Early 20th century American
Shylock Jews Comes from Shakespeare’s “The Merchant of Venice.”
Six Point(er) Jews Six points on the star of David
Six-nose Jews Jews have hooked or “six shaped” nose
Snipcock Jews Henry Ford used it, reference to circumcision
Snow Bird Jews Refers to old Jewish retirees who transplant themselves to Florida. Although they move to the sunshine state, they stay indoors thus retaing their white color.
Snowflake Jews When they would burn the Jews and the ashes would come out the smoke stacks. (See Schiendler’s List)
Special Meal Jews When a Jewish person gets a meal on a plane, it’s from the kosher menu and a special meal not offered to regular passengers
Stein Jews Common name
Toucan Sam Jews Toucans have large, protruding beaks
Wandering Jew Jews The jews wandered the desert for 40 years after crossing the red sea to get out of egypt, before reaching the holy-land.
Wej Jews Jew spelled backwards.
Yahoodi Jews The word ‘Jew’ in Arabic.
Yenta Jews Know-it-all Jewish women. Not really a slur.
Yid Jews The Yiddish connection
Yid/Yid-Lid Jews Yid = Yiddish, lid = Yarmulke.
Yiddiot Jews Yiddish and Idiot combined (stupid jew)
Yitze Jews Name for Jews. Also Yitze Braun, Yitze Braud
Yom Jews From the holiday Yom Kippur
Zhid Jews Russian-language version of “Jew” or “yid”. Only considered a derogatory term close to “kike” in Orthodox Christian countries.. in others it simply means “Jew.”
Zhidan Jews Romanian word for jew, dirty jew, or cheap jew
Zionist Jews Jews are typically Zionist in political nature. The ultimate goal being to take over Palestine. Also: Zog
Zog Jews Zionist Occupation Government – Written near the body of murdered radio
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Сказка о "холокосте" уже не работает, вей-вей, жиды [Jul. 22nd, 2016|01:33 pm]
Since the end of World War Two, when they spread an idiotic, goofy lie about Hitler mass-murdering them using fake shower gas chambers, the Jews have been able to get everything they want by simply whining, invoking this retarded fantasy story called “THE HOLOCAUST.”

Recently, this method of whining has stopped working.

Jews have gone into full-on “does not compute” mode, repeating their whining nonsense over and over and over again to people who no longer care, making people care even less as they expose themselves as ninnying crybabies who believe their feelings matter more than everything else in the entire universe.

t is incredible, really, that you Jews simply cannot accept the position you’ve found yourselves in, and just keep flailing deeper into the quicksand.

This was, of course, my plan all along. But I really couldn’t have imagined it would work this well. And just keep on working like this.

I wonder what this ADL council that has been formed to attack the Daily Stormer actually does. Any competent analyst could be brought in to say “well, the first thing you want to do is stop drawing attention to the fact they are accusing you of controlling society to forward a subversive agenda, because by drawing attention to these claims being made by Nazis you are just drawing attention to the fact that you are actually doing that.

find it really funny that both left-wingers and right-wingers get accused of "hating Jews", being "anti-Semitic". The Jews expect us to cower when we're told those things, and to hope for the approval of the Jews by not being accused of being "anti-Semites". The thinking of these people goes that if we're subservient enough to the Jews, they will stop calling us "anti-Semites".

This is absolutely ridiculous, of course. What we instead ought to do is realize we have a common ground there, that all decent people in the world "hate" Jews no matter their political sympathies. The Jews are the arch enemy of all mankind, and toppling them should be the #1 priority on everyone's agenda.
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Жиды и Сталин [Jul. 14th, 2016|12:51 am]
Donate to Stormer!
The Orthodox Nationalist: Stalin the Philo-Semitic Internationalist

Radio Aryan
July 12, 2016


Dr Matthew Raphael Johnson begins with a summary of current events concerning Donald Trump and Black violence in the USA, before getting to the bulk of the podcast which debunks two big myths about Joseph Stalin, that he was a Russian Nationalist and that he was an Anti-Semite. He was neither.

It is one thing to show Stalin was not a Nationalist and was Philo-Semitic but it is another to explain why these myths have been around for so long, as Stalin’s writings and policies were not secret and his works are available to all. The explanation is that the leftist mind eventually tired of the USSR and its misery and sought for ways that it could be denounced.

A search for legislation that assisted the cause of labor in the USSR will prove fruitless as it was never about the workers, but rather the enrichment of a small oligarchic elite that was overwhelmingly Jewish. The USSR could not be hated by leftists just on these grounds, so other foundations were needed. If he could be depicted as “another Hitler” then not only would it be OK to hate Stalinism, but it would also give the Left an excuse to say that “Leninism has never been tried.”

Almost without exception, American and western historians paint Stalin as both a “Russian Nationalist” and an “Anti-Semite.” The latter especially being believed without question. Stalin is presented this way because it allowed the western left to oppose the USSR in good conscience. Nationalism was universally hated by the ruling class from campus anarchists to corporate billionaires, hence, to recast Stalin as one is to make him non-socialist.

Communism as a vague ideology was never a problem in the minds of the US, the State Department or western corporate capital. Obviously, since corporate capital built the USSR, Socialism was a part of the profit structure of American capitalism. Only Nationalism was to be fought and therefore, allowing Stalin to be hated by the Left required him to be recast as a Nationalist and an Anti-Semite. As with all American academic dogma, this is false.

The myth has been deliberately created. Jewish writers need the gentiles to believe that Hitler and Stalin were the same, lest they be forced to admit that Jews in the USSR slaughtered Christians. By claiming that Stalin was anti-Jewish, they can blunt this claim and argue that the Jews were also targeted. The fact is that the USSR was largely Jewish, was based far more on Jewish ethnic identity than Marxism and certainly had nothing to do with labor. Stalin continued this trend and backed Jewish ethnic interests indirectly throughout his life.
[A paper soon to be published in the Barnes Review on this subject is called: Self-Indulgent Historical Mythology:The Fantasy of Stalin’s “Anti-Semitic Russian Nationalism”]

Presented by Matt Johnson
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Свободу узнику жидов Джошуа Боунхиллу! [Jul. 12th, 2016|08:58 am]
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Популярная антижидовская басня [Jul. 11th, 2016|10:52 pm]
This famous poem was previously published in Two Forbidden Voices, which is now out of print
The Fable of the Ducks and the Hens
Lincoln Rockwell

The two panels and four stanzas below represent Page 1 of the 2015 Heretical Press comic book edition.
A panel from The Fable of the Ducks and the Hens comic book

Many, many years ago
When animals could speak,
A wondrous thing the ducks befell;
Their tale is quite unique.

Down by a pond dwelt all these ducks,
— Ten thousand at the least —
Their duckish joys were undisturbed
By any man or beast.
A panel from The Fable of the Ducks and the Hens comic book

One day down near the entrance gate
There was an awful din.
A hundred hens all out of breath
Were begging to come in.

“Oh let us in!” these poor birds cried,
“Before we do expire!
’Tis only by the merest INCH
That we escaped the fire!”

Their feathers burned, their combs adroop,
They were the saddest sight.
They’d run a hundred miles or more,
All day and then all night.

“Come in! Come in!” the ducks all quacked,
“For you our hearts do bleed!
We’ll share our happy lot with you;
Just tell us what you need!”

And so these poor bedraggled hens
Amongst the ducks moved in.
“For after all,” the ducks declared,
“We’re sisters ’neath the skin.”

Before too many months had lapsed,
The hens were good as new.
They sent for all their rooster friends,
And those were welcomed too.

To please their hosts, these chickens tried
To waddle and to quack.
To simulate the duckish ways,
They quickly learned the knack.

This pleased the flock of ducks because
It gratified their pride.
But hear my tale and learn how they
Got taken for a ride.

The ducks, it seemed, spent all their time
In fixing up the place;
In growing food and building homes
And cleaning every space.

They asked the hens what they would do
To earn their daily bread.
“We’ll teach and write and entertain,
And buy and sell,” they said.

And so these hens began to teach
The baby ducks and chicks.
They traded food and eggs and things,
With many clever tricks.

They wrote great books and put on shows
— Of genius they’d no lack.
It wasn’t long till chickens owned
The Duckville Daily Quack.

One day a mother duck who took
Her ducklings to the lake,
Was flabbergasted when one said,
“A swim I will not take!”

“Why duckling’s ALWAYS swim!” she gasped,
“It’s what you’re built to do!
Like bunnies hop, and crickets chirp,
And cows most always moo!”

“You’re NUTS!” her son replied,
“That stuff is all OLD HAT!
It’s wrong for birds to swim — besides,
It’s damn cold on my prat!”

“Oh fie!” the mother duck exclaimed,
“You’re talking like a fool!”
Up quacked the other ducklings then:
“He’s right! We learned in school!”

“Such things must stop!” the mother cried,
“Those hens can’t tell such lies!
For sheer ingratitude and nerve,
I’m sure this takes the prize!”

But she was wrong, for even then
The hens did thump the tub,
Demanding they be let into
The Duckville Swimming Club.

“But you don’t swim!” the ducks exclaimed,
“To join, why should you care?”
“That’s not the point” the hens replied,
“To exclude us isn’t fair!”

The younger ducks, who’d been to school
Agreed right there and then,
“To keep them out is bigotry!
’Twould just be ANTI-HEN!”

Outnumbered by the younger ducks,
The old ducks soon did lose.
The hens could join the Swimming Club,
If they would pay the dues.

That night the Duckville Daily Quack
Contained this banner spread:
“Reactionary Ducks are Licked!
Duckville moves Ahead!”

Down at the Duckville Gaity,
The young set laughed with glee,
At cracks about “old fuddy ducks”
In burlesque repartee.

Next day the hens were at the Club;
A petition they’d sent round
They objected to the Swimming Fund
With fury and with sound.

“You use our dues to fix the pond,
To keep it neat and trim
And this is wrong” they said, “because
You know we do not swim!”

“God help us!” cried a wise old duck,
“These chickens have gone mad!
We’ll take this thing to court, by George,
And justice will be had!”

But when they went before the judge,
Imagine their dismay!
A CHICKEN judge decreed that they
A heavy fine must pay!

“Minorities must have their rights!”
The judge declared right then.
“To use hens’ dues to fix the pond
Is very ANTI-HEN!”

Once more the Duckville Daily Quack
Emblazoned ’cross the page:
“Old Fuddy Ducks Refuse to See
The Great New Coming Age!!”

In Duckville’s church, on Sunday morn,
The preacher spoke these words:
“Discrimination’s got to stop!
Remember, we’re all birds!”

The wisest duck in all the town
Sat down in black despair.
“I’ll write a book,” he thought, “and then
This madness I will bare!”

“Let swimmers swim, let hoppers hop,
Let each go his own way
Let none coerce a fellow bird!”
Was what he had to say.

“’Twas wrong to force the hens to swim,
So here’s the problem’s crux:
It’s just as bad for hens to try
To CHICKENIZE our ducks!”

“I can’t print that,” the printer said,
“’Twill put me in a mess!
My shop is mortgaged to the hens —
The chickens own my press!”

This worried duck then tried to warn
His friends by speech and pen,
But young ducks fresh from school just jeered,
“He’s a vicious ANTI-HEN!”

Now up the stream a little way
Was Gooseville, on the lake
The hens had come to Gooseville too,
But the geese were more awake.

When the hens began to spoil the young
And Gooseville’s laws to flout,
The geese rose up in righteous wrath
And simply threw them out.

Of course you know where they all ran
— On Duckville they converged.
“We’ve got to take these REFUGEES”
Was what the hens all urged.

The Duckville Daily Quack declared:
“Those geese will stop at naught!
They plan to conquer all the world!
Atrocities they’ve wrought!”

“That’s right!” the young ducks all agreed,
“We’ll help our fellow birds!
Those geese have plans to conquer us!
We’ve read the Quack’s own words!”

They let the hens from Gooseville in,
The whole bedraggled pack
And every hen took up a job
On Duckville’s Daily Quack.

When Duckville’s Mayor’s term was up,
The Quack put up its duck.
A vain and stupid duck was he
— A veritable cluck!

But when he praised the wild young ducks
And cursed the evil geese,
The Quack declared he was “all-wise”;
His praise would never cease.

The hens chipped in to help this cluck
Give grain away for free.
The old ducks sadly shook their heads—
The writing they could see.

And sure enough, this stupid duck,
He was elected Mayor.
From this point on, the Duckville ducks
They never had a prayer.

The Mayor said, “Gooseville must go!
We’ll wipe them off the map!”
While Duckville slept, the scheming hens
For Gooseville set a trap.

They called the geese by filthy names;
They filled their pond with sticks.
They helped the weasels catch the geese,
And other hennish tricks.

The geese got mad and threw some rocks.
“IT’S WAR!” the Quack announced.
“We ducks must fight those evil geese
Till they’ve been soundly trounced!”

The ducks (who knew not of the tricks
Indulged in by the Mayor)
Were filled with “patriotic zeal”
And pitched right in for fair!

Now when the ducks had whipped the geese
The Mayor called “Retreat!
Our Henville friends should really take
Goosevilles’s big main street!”

The hens are back in Gooseville now;
They starved and beat the geese.
They prayed for peace — but organized
The Henville ARMED POLICE!

They drained the Gooseville swimming pond;
And “De-goose-ified” the schools.
They wrung the neck of Gooseville’s Mayor
On lately made-up rules.

They formed a council of the hens—
“UNITED BIRDS” the name.
The other birds who joined the thing
Did not perceive the game.

No sooner had they set this up,
Than they announced their plan
To seize up Swanville as a home
For all their hennish clan.

They took a vote amongst themselves,
And every one approved!
“Swanville was for hens!” they said,
“Way back, before we moved!”

And so they kicked the swans all out
With Duckville’s help and power
And Duckville could not understand
Why swans on them turned sour.

By this time, Duckville was a mess —
The young ducks had gone mad.
They stole and laughed at truth and law;
They’d gone completely bad.

The hens were selling loco weed
In every nasty den.
But ducks who dared to mention this
Were labelled “ANTI-HEN.”

The hens all preached of “Tolerance”;
They invoked the “Golden Rule.”
But they subsidised the indigent,
The greedy and the fool.

At last the very dumbest ducks
Began to smell a rat.
“This Mayor is no good!” they cried,
“And we will soon fix that!”

But the hens had planned for even this
— A candidate they had,
Whom even wise old ducks believed
Just never could be bad.

This hen-tool duck had whipped the geese;
A soldier duck was he.
Although the hens had set him up,
The ducks all thought him free.

This hen-tool got elected
Through ignorance and greed,
Through hennish lies in press and speech,
And bribes of “chicken feed.”

The hens now kicked the ducks around
Without a blush of shame,
Until the Mayor ran the town
In nothing else but name.

They pumped the swimming pond all dry;
They taught the ducks to crow.
While duckish numbers dwindled,
The hens began to grow.

The hens stirred up the happy crows
From out the piney wood
To fight and mix and marry ducks
In the name of “Brotherhood.”
A panel from The Fable of the Ducks and the Hens comic book

Things got so bad that fifty ducks
Who knew of days gone by,
Took up their wives and children
And decided that they’d fly.

They flew through storm and tempest;
They froze, and many died.
But on they drove, until at last,
A lovely lake they spied.

They settled down exhausted,
But soon went straight to work
To build and clear and cultivate —
No danger did they shirk.

Now after many years of toil,
This little band had grown.
The fields around were full of grain
From seeds that they had sown.

The first ducks now were long since dead;
Their struggles long had ceased.
Through hard work and through suffering,
Their joys had been increased.

One day down near the entrance gate
There was an awful din.
A hundred hens, all out of breath,
Were begging to come in.

“Oh, let us in!” these poor birds cried,
“Before we do expire!
’Tis only by the merest INCH...”

This epic has no end because
No matter how you fight ’em,
Those HENS will show up EVERY TIME
— And so ad infinitum!
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4 главные цели жидов [Jul. 10th, 2016|03:13 am]
four principle goals of the New World Order

The first is to eradicate White Europe, the plan to mongrelise the White race goes all the way back to Babylon and that every civilisation known to man was destroyed by the same forces. We know them as Jews today and they are the focal point for all that is impure, both biologically and spiritually and if they can get us to mongrelise, then we have no chance of providing a resistance to them.

The second is to eradicate Christianity by killing God. They did this once already and now they are back to do it again, trying to remove all mention of him from public discourse. We need a supreme being to make the final decisions. If we do not have solid boundaries that cannot be crossed, there is nothing to prevent those of us who are psychopaths and traitors from overstepping them.

The third is to install a One World Government. This goes back to Babylon as well, which was the first multicultural empire. The enemy will use any means he can to achieve this, whether it is through encouraging the workers of the world to unite or through frightening environmentalists into forming international climate change coalitions. The real reason for these groups is to get every nation following the same anti-Christian laws, dictated by the same group of people.

The final principle outlined is the One World Religion. This is Luciferianism but it is not about worshipping goat idols, but about putting man in the position of God and telling us that we can build a utopia on earth, through disobeying all the fundamental laws of nature. From sodomy to genetically modified organisms, it is all about being adversarial to the natural and divine law, which is satanic in the truest sense of the word.
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Бойкотируйте путинские "выборы" в "госдуму"! [Jul. 8th, 2016|02:30 pm]
Русская нацистская партия подключалась к всероссийской кампании бойкота путинских "выборов" в "госдуму". Бойкотируйте эти "выборы", не ходите на них. Распространяйте по сети призывы к бойкоту.

Тем Враг начал блокировать сайты, призывающие к бойкоту путинских "выборов" в Госдуму. Как сообщается на сайте вражеской тербанды "Генпрокуратурщики", были заблокированы четыре интернет-ресурса «политической направленности», содержащие «материалы агитационного характера с целью популяризировать среди населения России идею бойкота выборов». «Указанные в требовании ссылки включены в единый реестр запрещенной информации. С двух интернет-ресурсов в настоящий момент противоправная информация удалена, доступ к двум оставшимся ресурсам блокируется операторами связи»,— говорится в сообщении путинских уголовников.

Нам это не грозит. Сайт нашей партии Враг блокирует с 2013 года. За правду.
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Удалите жидов из своей жизни [Jul. 7th, 2016|01:34 am]
We do have control over our own lives, even if we do not have control over the establishment and we should always be working to improve ourselves and striving to be the best people we can be.

By not getting loans, not using credit cards, not watching pornography, not engaging in casual sex or drug use and by taking an obvious stand against the Jewish subversion of our societies, we can free ourselves from being in bondage to him through our passions.
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Всех с праздником! 75-летие освобождения России [Jun. 22nd, 2016|11:40 am]
Наша партия берет ответственность за публикацию жидонелюбимых матералов. Это были мы! И ищут нашего партийца у жида "Калашникова"" Маразм пархатый.

Рассказывает жид Баран (ов):
Обыск у Максима Калашникова. К дню начала войны...

Опубликовано 22.06.2016 в разделе Новости комментариев 13
максим калашников ск следствие обыск
Обыск у Максима Калашникова. К дню начала войны...

Только что мне позвонил Максим Калашников - у него дома начался обыск. Повод классический - связь с "Народным ополчением имени Минина и Пожарского", которое теперь под большим запретом. Мол, кто-то от имени НОМП с неустановленного устройства размещал в сети антисемитские материалы, и вот теперь то ли устройство, то ли самого разместителя ищут в квартире у писателя.

В качестве кого в данном деле проходит Максим Калашников, полагаю, и само следсвие еще не знает точно - кем прикажут, тем и будет проходить, хоть в качестве царя Ирода. Пока известно, что дело ведет Главное следственное управление СК по Москве и области, речь о части 1 статьи 282 УК РФ.

Надо полагать, что к выборам готовятся "завинтить гайки" - неспроста же именно сегодня, в день начала войны Путин приедет в Думу сказать "последнее прости" депутатам, избранным в ходе самых скандальных выборов в российской истории. Видимо, готовятся побить рекорд...

Информации пока не много. Будем держать в курсе событий.

Анатолий Баранов, главный редактор ФОРУМа.мск

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Запрещенное жидами на Ютубе видео о жидах [Jun. 20th, 2016|11:21 am]
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Статья д-ра Геббельса "Жид" [Jun. 20th, 2016|11:19 am]
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