Diary of a madman - June 10th, 2020

June 10th, 2020

June 10th, 2020
03:15 pm


Streisand-Trump effect

Я пожалуй, не буду это комментировать, потому что
все уже прокомментировано.

Washington (CNN) -- President Donald Trump's campaign is demanding

CNN retract and apologize for a recent poll that showed him well
behind presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden.

The demand, coming in the form of a cease and desist letter to CNN
President Jeff Zucker that contained numerous incorrect and misleading
claims, was immediately rejected by the network.

"We stand by our poll," said Matt Dornic, a CNN spokesman.

The CNN poll conducted by SSRS and released on Monday shows Trump
trailing the former vice president by 14 points, 55%-41%, among
registered voters. It also finds the President's approval rating
at 38% -- his worst mark since January 2019, and roughly on par
with approval ratings for one-term Presidents Jimmy Carter and
George H.W. Bush at this point in their reelection years -- and
his disapproval rating at 57%.

Вот посмотриш на происходящее, и понимаешь откуда появляются кино
типа "Dumb and Dumber"

Current Music: Justin Adams - Desert Road
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