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Пишет Misha Verbitsky ([info]tiphareth) в [info]ljr_popechiteli
в Linode она, кстати, пожаловалась.


Please delete the following commentary made by your customer, Michail Verbitsky, the owner of the website http://lj.rossia.org that you host: http://lj.rossia.org/community/ljr_popechiteli/7673.html?thread=557305#t557305.

In this commentary he intentionally, knowing it violates the Russian Law and my constitutional right to privacy, published a link, under which any Internet user can see my family name in Russian (????????), my Internet nickname (engimono), as well as four private pictures, stolen from my personal computer. The link is to a Google web page, but one has to know the combination of words (???????? engimono) in order to find it. The actual pictures are currently located on multiple websites; these pictures were published there by a stalker that tracks me on the Internet for 4.5 years now. This stalker was recognized as the person publishing these pictures on the Internet, according to two Court Orders in a Russian Civil Court (Saint Petersburg, Russia). The pictures were stolen from me, I never published them openly on the Internet. The Court recognized that any publication of these private pictures on the Internet grossly violates my right to privacy, as it is determined by the Russian Constitution.

Here is my Canadian passport to prove my identity: [REDACTED]

I am currently contacting the owners of these multiple websites where my private pictures are located. If deleted, the pictures are often re-uploaded by the stalker, and several of those owners do not respond: probably, the websites are simply abandoned. The pictures, published on those abandoned websites, are the ones that appear on the Google web page. I cannot make them deleted for many months now.

The lj.rossia.org website's owner and administrator, Michail Verbitsky, was a "third party" in both lawsuits, and he also received from me copies of both Court Orders. Nevertheless, knowing publications of the pictures are AGAINST THE LAW, he intentionally put a link to those pictures. I believe his goals behind his commentary with the link were to show me he can also take part in disseminating those pictures all over the Internet, despite the Court Order, the Law, and my right to privacy. I suspect Michail Verbitsky's goal is to further the harm brought to me by these humiliating publications. In fact, I believe Michail Verbitsky takes part in harassment and stalking of me.

Michail Verbitsky refuses to delete this link. As a results, a number of anonymous or unknown users on his website lj.rossia.org copied those pictures on additional websites and published them on lj.rossia.org.

Additional commentaries and blogs, with the same links, constantly appearing on lj.rossia.org:

I would like to ask you to remove the commentary http://lj.rossia.org/community/ljr_popechiteli/7673.html?thread=557305#t557305 and the all the duplicates of it. Thank you for understanding.

If necessary, I can submit a DMCA violation report.

Anastasia Levchenko

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