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@ 2020-05-07 06:02:00

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[Botany • 2019] Begonia bachmaensis & B. saolaensis (Begoniaceae) • Two New Cane-like Species of Begonia from central Vietnam

Begonia saolaensis Y.M. Shui, T.A. Le & C.T. Vu

in Shui, Vu, Le, Pham, et al., 2019.  

Two new cane-like species of Begonia from central Vietnam, Begonia bachmaensis and B. saolaensis, are described and illustrated. Begonia bachmaensis is similar to B. boisiana and does not fit within any of the current sections. Begonia saolaensis is similar to B. rubrosetosa and is assigned to Begonia sect. Petermannia. Begonia bachmaensis is classified as Data Deficient (DD) and B. saolaensis is assigned in the Endangered (EN) category according to IUCN criteria.

Keywords: Begoniaceae, Begonia sect. Petermannia, central Vietnam, new species, Eudicots

Begonia bachmaensis Y.M. Shui & T.T.D. Pham, sp. nov.  

Etymology:— The specific epithet is derived from its type locality, the Bach Ma National Park in Thua Thien Hue Province, Vietnam. 

Habitat:— The new species grows in moist soil along streams, on a shady slope in the subtropical evergreen forest. 

Distribution and ecology:— Begonia bachmaensisis is known only from Bach Ma National Park, Phu Loc district, Thua Thien Hue, central Vietnam (Fig. 1). Populations of this species were observed growing in moist shady areas in association with species of Ophiorrhiza Linnaeus (1753: 150), Mussaenda Linnaeus (1753: 177), Breynia Linnaeus (1753: 503), Distichochlamys citrea Newman (1995: 65), and other taxa.

Begonia saolaensis Y.M. Shui, T.A. Le & C.T. Vu, sp. nov.  

Etymology:— The specific epithet is derived from its type locality, the Saola Nature Reserve in Thua Thien Hue province, Vietnam.

 Habitat:— It grows by the stream banks, in limestone forests. 

Distribution and ecology:— Begonia saolaensis is known only from Thuong Quang commune, Nam Dong district, Thua Thien Hue province, central Vietnam (Fig. 1). Populations were observed in the moist shady areas in association with Ophiorrhiza baviensis Drake (1895: 213), Paraphlomis membranacea Wu & Li (1965: 66), Schismatoglottis (1846: 83) sp., and other taxa.

Yu-Min Shui, Chinh Tien Vu, Tuan Anh Le, Thi Thanh Dat Pham, Van Dat Nguyen, Thi Minh Hoang Duong and Li-Gong Lei. 2019.  Two New Cane-like Species of Begonia L. (Begoniaceae) from central Vietnam. Phytotaxa. 411(1); 57–64. DOI: 10.11646/phytotaxa.411.1.5

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