Diary of a madman - Мины
December 10th, 2020
02:51 pm


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The faceting process appears to be ongoing, with a deeper
near surface layer of facets, and a weaker surface crust which
now easily breaks and slides on the underlying faceted layer
while shoveling and with a shovel shear test.

Wind scoured and sculpted surfaces exist in much of this
terrain with soft unconsolidated snow limited to northerly
aspects in below treeline wind protected areas. The near
surface faceted snow could present a future avalanche problem
depending on how much additional snow we receive from our next
round of storms.

Profile: Both profiles today were similar, with a supportable
crust/facet combo for a snowpack. Although the 0-19cm layer might
appear concerning in this profile, it was interrupted by rocks.

"Нам демиурги мрачно ставят мины,
И мы на их наткнемся, вероятно."

Мины и есть. Три области вокруг Тахо (с калифорнийской стороны),
везде так или иначе присутствует слабый индивеющий слой снега,
прикрытый коркой от ежедневных циклов заморозки-разморозки.
Если сейчас случится снежный шторм, это все будет схотить и ездить
мама не горй.

Вот так бывает.
Мало снега -- плохо, много снега -- тоже не очень.

Current Music: Dark Tranquillity -- The Gallery
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