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Пишет southwest ([info]southwest)
@ 2008-04-28 21:36:00

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Oh shit
  A scientific study confirms: smart women are bad in bed.

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2008-04-29 01:54 (ссылка)
не умные, а образованные,
а это большая разница!


2008-04-29 02:05 (ссылка)
stupid women are even worse. :)


2008-04-29 02:39 (ссылка)
А самые-самые -- работницы банков. Потому что деньги вообще возбуждают :)


2008-04-29 03:23 (ссылка)
Видимо, лучше всех резиновые куклы...


2008-04-29 03:44 (ссылка)
All one has to do is to find one who is smart and good. Whether the other smart women are good will become irrelevant.


2008-04-29 15:05 (ссылка)
"Ну почему все дуры - такие женщины?" ((с) - не помню)


2008-04-29 17:08 (ссылка)
This smart woman who has really good sex would like to point out the ambiguous phrasing in the article--"worse sex" from whose perspective? using what standards of judgment? using how representative a sample?--makes it easy to jump to false conclusions and to misquote. Additionally, why should orgasm be the sole standard for how good sex is? Seems like a rather teleological bias.

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2008-04-29 17:35 (ссылка)
From spying on your journal I'd claim that your exercise helps your sex life quite a bit.. which makes me wonder of these 'intelligent' women, how many of them are out of shape simply because they prefer thinking to exercising.... and thus the true correlation is elsewhere - 'intelligence' as they studied it was simply 'more units of education' (which implies less units of things like bellydancing for example).

Unfortunately, being able to run a marathon takes a lot of training... being able to have sex and use your muscles long enough to have an orgasm, instead of just laying there like some girls I've been unfortunate to bed with, surely takes training as well.
All these poor 'educated' girls would prefer to get another degree than use their bodies!

RE: orgasm being the standard... as a male, if I don't orgasm more than once in a sex session its 'not as good': Either because I'm too tired, or the girl isn't motivating enough. I'm fine with it being the standard for male sex at least. Blowjobs that don't make me orgasm are 'worse' than those that do.
What would you say is a more female way of measuring the 'good sex' standard?

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2008-04-29 19:04 (ссылка)
The article is taken from "The Sun", which is a daily UK tabloid. Not to undervalue the possible importance of the research underneath, but the whole idea of evaluating quantitatively something like that should be taken with a good measure of humor :)

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2008-05-01 09:16 (ссылка)
конечно, всё зависит от точки зрения, но вообще-то там не сказано, что они не хороши... интереснее было бы узнать, что думают по этому поводу мужчины)))
