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Пишет New Radical Right / Fascism / Clerical fascism ([info]szcf)
@ 2007-02-25 18:00:00

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Neo-nationalism in Europe and Beyond
В сентябре прошлого года вышла интересная книга -

Neo-nationalism in Europe and Beyond: Perspectives from Social Anthropology
Edited by Andre Gingrich, Marcus Banks

Оглавление -


Introduction: Neo-nationalism in Europe and Beyond
Marcus Banks and Andre Gingrich

PART I: Concepts and Methods

Chapter 1: Nation, Status and Gender in Trouble? Exploring Some Contexts and Characteristics of Neo-nationalism in Western Europe
Andre Gingrich

Chapter 2: Performing 'Neo-nationalism': Some Methodological Notes
Marcus Banks

PART II: Case Studies from Western Europe

Chapter 3: Imagined Kinship: the Role of Descent in the Rearticulation of Norwegian Ethno-nationalism
Marianne Gullestad

Chapter 4: The Emergence of Neo-nationalism in Denmark, 1992/2001
Peter Hervik

Chapter 5: 'At Your Service!': Reflections on the Rise of Neo-nationalism in the Netherlands
Thijl Sunier and Rob van Ginkel

Chapter 6: Neo-nationalism and Democracy in Belgium: On Understanding the Contexts of Neo-communitarianism
Rik Pinxten

Chapter 7: 'Being the Native's Friend Does Not Make You the Foreigner's Enemy!' Neo-nationalism, the Freedom Party and Jörg Haider in Austria
Thomas Fillitz

Chapter 8: Neo-nationalism or Neo-localism? Integralist Political Engagements in Italy at the Turn of the Millennium
Jaro Stacul

Chapter 9: Regarding The Front National
Gerald Gaillard-Starzmann

PART III: European Perspectives

Chapter 10: 'Healthy Native Soil' Versus Common Agricultural Policy: Neo-nationalism and Farmers in the EU, the Example of Austria
Gertraud Seiser

Chapter 11: New Nationalisms and the EU: Occupying the Available Space
Maryon McDonald

PART IV: Global Perspectives

Chapter 12: Neo-nationalism in India: a Comparative Counterpoint
Mukulika Banerjee

Chapter 13: Nationalism and Neo-Populism in Australia: Hansonism and the Politics of the New Right in Australia
Bruce Kapferer and Barry Morris

PART V: Afterthoughts
Ulf Hannerz

Notes on Contributors

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