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Sep. 28th, 2022 | 11:53 am

Прислали приглашение от наших солярных богов присоединиться к солнечной индустрии. Одна загвоздка - необходимо быть женщиной. (another snag is the grammatical errors in their booklet, but it's not a literary talent contest, so okay)

Solar Victoria
for women

These apprenticeships are aimed at
recruiting more women to take the first
steps in a fulfilling and rewarding career
in the solar and renewable energy sector.

Training and workforce development
Solar Victoria is funding grants for apprenticeships for
women, to address both skilled worker shortages and the
underrepresentation of women in trades.
Women are significantly under-represented in the solar and
heating, ventilation and air-conditioning industries, making
up less than one per cent of electricians, plumbers, solar PV
and battery designers and installers, and licensed electrical

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Is the program open to a Russian guy identifying as a woman?
If yes, do I have to dress like a stereotypical woman and shave my beard or are you free from suchlike outdated stereotypes?

I hope you are all for acceptance of gender as a spectrum of modern science. As a proud representative of LGBTQ+ community I would expect nothing less.



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