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Пишет sgt ([info]sgt)
@ 2001-08-15 16:21:00

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Гениальная статья.

In our eagerness to snub Sun, we are legitimising Microsoft and belittling ourselves. <...> It's like allied bombers suddenly starting to blitz Moscow instead of Berlin. Wrong city, or at the very least, awful timing.

и дальше:

Pragmatism, or One thing at a time

Churchill and Roosevelt knew they had to ally with Stalin to beat Hitler. It took another forty years to liberate Stalin's empire, but ultimately both battles were won. If they had been pigheaded about Stalin in the first place, we would all be living in the Third Reich right now.

Yes, we need to fight to make Java free, but that's tomorrow's battle. Today, the Anschluss of Austria has occurred, and it's a wake-up call. In a few years from now, it will either be a Java-Linux world, or a .NET world. The choice is ours.