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Пишет beotia ([info]beotia)
@ 2015-12-04 15:30:00

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Музыка:Gae Bolg-Pandemonium

Детские рисунки
I languish here in this miserable, spying court, ignoring my own wishes so I can please others. Almost no one can help me here, but everyone has the power to harm. Unless I – one man – can placate everyone, I am nothing. If I achieve the place of a virtuous man, I am envied, and many speak against me, saying that my defenders are too easily taken in by appearances. The simple man of virtue is considered fatuous; the peaceful man is considered lazy; the well-spoken, an actor; the kindly, a flatterer; the quiet, ineffectual; the merciful, slack; the wealthy, avaricious; the prayerful, hypocritical; and those who are not prayerful, publicans. Those who have to gird themselves in the midst of these tumults quickly learn that they must suppress their virtue and arm themselves with vice; they must distinguish carefully in this place, so that they appear good to the just, and suitably evil to the vicious.
I would like these things to be generally known about our court, for no one has heard of a court like it in the past, nor could we fear for another as bad in the future. I also ardently desire that the knights of future generations know of its malice so that they know that what they suffer is tolerable, having seen our intolerable state.
Arise, therefore – Arise and let us go hence, for trapped amidst the works of him who we renounced in baptism, we do not have the leisure to please God or to placate His wrath.