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Пишет russki_enot ([info]russki_enot)
@ 2002-12-04 15:07:00

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Notes on recent lj-specific scandal
Clicked on [info]kukutz@lj journal few days ago - "suspended" comes back. Me puzzled. Then the story behind it comes to light.

American schoolchildren ask Russian lj-user [info]antistatic@lj to remove them from his friends list. They don't read Russian and are not terribly amused by something they perceive as invasion into their privacy. Once their requests are not satisfied one of them complains to Abuse Team - something un-thought of in Russian community 'cause we - PROUD TO BE RUSSIAN - are taught from young age not to rat on our friends. Note: not to rat on our friends as opposed to not to complain about I-don't-know-who-you-are-please-leave-me-alone strangers. Still, I would think there are other means of protecting your privacy - ban someone from commenting in your journal, keep sensitive records as friends-only. I never used the first measure and I think the latter one is stupid (my personal opinion is that my lj should be unconditionally public otherwise what’s the point), but I have full respect for those who use both. Better than using Abuse Team anyway.
I added non-Russians to friends list without asking not once and me/ them never had an issue with that. Unlike teenagers involved in the recent scandal they knew better than to feel pressed to add people to their list once they are added. [info]kukutz@lj cited Abuse Team letter and was suspended. Tough shit. He did right and suffered for cause (he was suspended for breaking absurd one-side non-disclosure agreement between Abuse Team and their e-mail recipient whoever that might be).

But then Russians definitely beat American teenagers. [info]kukutz@lj himself was resurrected and behaved reasonably – asked to stop harassment “ACTION” of mass adding of teenagers to friends list. If only that. IMHO, exchanging Russian comments in English lj is not polite. Mocking teenagers in Russian in their own journals is disgusting. Well, this happens to many Russians - they expect no one to understand their language and they make comments about girls behinds out loud in public. Whatever...

Abuse Team: We have to be powerful to be useful. To be powerful we have to use terror. We are not be messed with.
Krylov: http://www.livejournal.com/talkread.bml?journal=krylov&itemid=474977&nc=106>We should stand for our cause however dangerous it might be. We should harass those who rat and those who don't but were initially befriended by [info]__dead__user__@lj and kept against their will. I’ll break my rules not to add friends first (Crowd, in awe: Wow!). I will befriend them against their will. Back up your journals and follow me!</a>
Russian herd crowd: Those Americans! They don’t even speak Russian! American teenagers – there is nothing there to read in their journals! But we add them anyway!
Kukutz – resurrected: Stop it already! Well, too late. The ACTION is out of control.
American high school girl: Me virgin or not, fuck you all.
-- End of show? ---

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Бурные аплодисменты
2002-12-04 09:30 (ссылка)
...особенно по поводу заключительной реплики highschool girl.


2002-12-04 15:57 (ссылка)
я не знаю деталей но типа не верю что пацанки эти сешние просто так написали в начальство

этот педрилка которого удалили, не кукуц, а другой,
он видимо както или спамил или нахамил както особенно школьникам,

а в сети очень точно можно просечь ситуацию с эмоциями, как известно, вот школьники и просекли это самое, а дальше началась наверное перепалка и жалобы

совки эти конечно тупы страшно и развели вонь просто от бессилия и тупости собственной

тупые пьяные совки, абсолютно правильно просекл школьники

(Ответить) (Ветвь дискуссии)

2002-12-04 16:41 (ссылка)
Я так понимаю, они-то нажаловались, потому что антистатик отказался их убрать из друзей, а сам он это сделал в целях рекламы своего сайта с играми - расчет тот, что человек хоть раз заглянет тебе в журнал. надобавлял автоматом 750 друзей. Удалили его (его хозяин смирнов остался) за спам.
Первоисточники с англояз. стороны:
http://www.livejournal.com/talkread.bml?journal=pixylite&itemid=79931&nc=29 - здесь [info]kippie@lj удалил свои поганые комменты по-русски (верх хамства, причем девочка переводила, видимо автопереводчиком - и поняла, что "поглумимся" значит "mock").

(Ответить) (Уровень выше) (Ветвь дискуссии)

2002-12-04 16:50 (ссылка)
таки я не ошыбся, это педриччио таки спамил общественность.

ну и пошел нахер, молодцы школьники просекли уебка

(Ответить) (Уровень выше)

2002-12-07 16:06 (ссылка)
What a bunch of brats.

A lot of people I don't know add me to their friends list... that is their business. If I have stuff I don't want read by anyone who wanders by, I make it protected, so I know who is able to see it.

It's rather ignorant of them, actually.

(Ответить) (Ветвь дискуссии)

Re: blech
2002-12-09 07:51 (ссылка)
Well, actually I was infuriated by those Russians who exchanged insulting comments in these teens journals. One of those Russian who did especially well later removed his comments - I don't know whether he was ashamed or just took someones advise or what.
Mature Russian-speaking adults trying to make even with these teens... After all, the first journal [info]antistatic@lj was suspended for spam - the guy added the max allowed number of friends (750) and was posting the links to his webpage with games advertising. He stated that he wanted to learn English better and to find English lj-friends worth keeping, but I won't trust him on that - this is not the way to do it.
Otherwise he would've used these after-thoughts in brief introduction in English, wouldn't he? The "master" of that virtual user has another lj-account, so all in all he is fine and had a lot of fun as a bonus.

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