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The Golden Dawn FAQ (parts III & IV)
+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ III. List of Active Golden Dawn Temples and Related Organizations +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
(a) I am not in any way affiliated with any of these organizations. This information comes from advertisements in various esoteric publications and personal correspondence. Many of these organizations charge a great deal of money for their teachings, and I am in no way condoning that practice. I'm just providing the information.
(b) I am greatly indebted to the following individuals for providing a great deal of useful information about many of the Orders listed below. Much of the detail in the listings (and elsewhere in this FAQ) is attributable to their diligent detective work.
Christopher Ward (cward@think.com), Al Billings (mimir@io.com), Baird Stafford (bstafford@bstafford.ess.harris.com), Harvey Newstrom (hnewstrom@hnewstrom.ess.harris.com), Richard Leo Stokes (rs8256@ehsn10.cen.uiuc.edu), Luke Roberts (lr@coventry. ac.uk), Naia Kirkpatrick (naia@lerc.nasa.gov), Vere C. Chappell (lvx@netcom.com), Gregory Peters (suti@crl.com), Bill Heidrick (heidrick@well.sf.ca.us), Alexander Walker (walkea@rpi.edu), Christeos Pir (Christeos.Pir@f235.n109.z1.fidonet.org), Lainie Petersen (epe084@lulu.acns.nwu.edu), Vivienne O'Regan (cor@cix. compulink.co.uk), Dora Gyn/QBL (mitchell@seas.smu.edu), James A. Eshelman, Ace Blackstone (shlar@agt.net), Laura Jennings-Yorke (aio@halcyon.com), Pat Zalewski (zirdo@central.co.nz), "Wizard" (wizard@primenet.com), Art de Hoyos (ArtdeHoyos@aol.com).
(c) If anyone has any additional information, or spots any errors in the following, please let me know, so we can make this list as complete as possible.
I will start this list with a classified advertisement from the Winter 1991 issue of _Gnosis_ magazine, which parallels my own opinions:
"The Golden Dawn is not a commercial enterprise. Initiation is not for sale. There are Temples that hold valid initiatory succession from the original Mother Temple in London which are quietly doing the Great Work. The Order exists. When the student is ready, the teacher will appear."
Anyway, the following list attempts to be in alphabetic order:
* August Order of Light Various Locations, England [Descended from the original Horus Temple of the G.D. in Bradford, England, this group was originally comprised only of members of the Masonic _Societas_Rosicruciana_in_Anglia_, but they currently number about 87 men and women. One of the Temples has a correspondence course, but they seem very selective in who participates. Unlike some other G.D. Orders, their "Inner Order" seems to encompass the grades of 8=3 and above.]
* August Order of the Mystic Rose P.O. Box 71, Mt. View, CA 94042
[Described briefly by Mary K. Greer in _Women_of_the_Golden_Dawn_, this group is affiliated with Robert Word, a scholar of Golden Dawn history. When requesting information, please send a donation of $2 to help cover mailing costs.]
* Builders of the Adytum (B.O.T.A.) 5101-05 North Figueroa St., Los Angeles, CA 90042 TEL (800)-255-0041
[Established by Paul Foster Case and/or Ann Davies as an "outer vehicle of the inner school," this group is most probably descended from the original (Chicago?) Thoth-Hermes Temple, and was originally called "The School of Ageless Wisdom." See Case's _True_and_Invisible_Rosicrucian_ _Order_, and his other books, for more information. Free brochure available. Correspondence course. For the first year or so, one pays $10/month, and obtains a self-initiation ritual, seven weeks of instruction on "Practical Occultism," then about a year of Tarot instruction. The Tarot material is highly recommended. If one is near a BOTA Temple or Proanos, members can participate in rituals, Temple services, and init- iations. Local study groups are also in many cities. There is an anonymous FTP site for some introductory BOTA materials: ftp.netcom.com, in directory: /pub/bo/bota, and a listserv study-group mailing list at: bota-l@netcom.com.]
* Church/Brotherhood of Light Dept. G - 2341 Coral St., Los Angeles, CA 90031-2916 TEL (213)-226-0453
[Correspondence study available since 1932. Not really part of the G.D. tradition, but related in spirit. Originated as The Hermetic Brotherhood of Light in Scotland in the late 1870's, members such as Peter Davidson and "Max Theon" circulated lessons on magic (sexual magic in higher degrees) mainly through the mail. In the 1890's, a lodge formed in France which contained many prominent French occult- ists. Also, Davidson moved to Georgia and founded a Christian myst- ical community. In 1915, Elbert Benjamine ("C. C. Zain") came from Georgia to California, and assimilated Davidson's material into 210 lessons in 22 books, and began the Church of Light in 1932. Its focus is mainly on astrology (the "Religion of the Stars"), but there are fifty initiatory degrees as well. For more details, see an article by Joscelyn Godwin in the quarterly journal _Theosophical_History_, and his new book _The_Hermetic_Brotherhood_of_Luxor_ (York Beach, Maine: S. Weiser), 1995.]
* Companions of the Stone P. O. Box 95536, Seattle, WA 98145, USA
[A "Golden Dawn-derived Hermetic magical order" which also partakes of the Renaissance magical tradition of Fludd, Bruno, and earlier Neo-Platonic sources. A simple three-degree system of initiation is offered to local (Pacific Northwest) members, and an introductory nine month correspondence course is required for membership.]
* Fraternity of the Hidden Light / Fraternitas LVX Occultas (F.L.O.) P.O. Box 5094, Dept. S, Covina, CA 91723, USA
[Founded in the mid-1980's by Paul A. Clark and others, this "modern day repository of the Hermetic Arts" offers a quality correspondence course, as well as teaching and ceremonial work in Lodges and Temples in the USA and Canada. A "direct lineal descendant" of the Golden Dawn via a reconstituted "Rosicrucian Order of the Alpha et Omega in America," F.L.O. also assimilates traditions from B.O.T.A., as well as "new revelations from continual research." Color and sound based healing techniques are an important part of the curriculum. Fees and suggested donations are said said to be very reasonable. Lodges in Los Angeles, Dallas, and Toronto. Christopher Ward (cward@think.com) lists himself as a contact for anyone who wants more information.]
* Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn (and the R.R. et A.C.) P.O. Box 1757, Elfers, FL 34680-1757
[Re-inaugurated by Israel Regardie on June 26, 1982 in Athens, GA. Regardie had called together three unaquainted fraters and one soror who were reviving the G.D. in the United States in the 1970's. The Temple associated with Chic Cicero, "Isis-Urania, No. 18," originated in Columbus, Georgia in the late 1970's, and is now in a nearby state. Israel Regardie visited, consecrated, and autographed this Temple's Vault of the Adepti. On April 10, 1995, Chic Cicero filed for a U.S. Federal Trademark for the name "Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn," with the expressed purpose of preserving the tradition for all members of valid Golden Dawn groups.]
* Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn International (formerly: Hermetic Order of the Eternal Golden Dawn) 14050 Cherry Avenue, Suite R-159 - Dept. G, Fontana, CA 92337, USA Imperator Temple of Isis, Mighty Mother, no. 12 . . . . (909)-341-5628 Tahuti Temple, no. 13, Vancouver, BC . . . . . . . . . (604)-244-3584 Hermes-Hathor Temple, no. 14, Santa Monica, CA . . . . (310)-289-7214
[Complete correspondence course available. Individual guidance, full membership if accepted. Send $3 (checks payable to H.G.D.I.) for a big information packet with an entrance application. The "lineage" of this Order seems to be via the Mathers' Alpha et Omega Temples in London. Initial dues for the Outer Order are $150 (1 year's mailings: $30, dues $65, Neophyte initiation fee $55), and adepts are available by phone to answer questions. Initiations can be done in person or astrally, and the study material is said to be very comprehensive. There is no Thelema or sex magic. The H.G.D.I. publishes the magazine "The Golden Dawn Quarterly," $22/year, as well as the members-only newsletter "Tablets of Thoth." More information can be obtained on their WWW page, http://cyberg8t.com/~hogd/ or via email at hogd@cyberg8t.com.]
* Hermetic Temple and Order of the Golden Dawn 655 East Thunderbird, Phoenix, AZ 85022, USA TEL (602)-246-3546 Also: 7025 E. 1st Avenue, Suite 5, Scottsdale, AZ 85251 Also: 1739 East Broadway Road, Suite 1-277, Tempe, AZ 85822
[Affiliated with the Israel Regardie Foundation and New Falcon Public- ations. "Christopher Hyatt" (Alan Miller), President. "Nicholas Tharcher" (Lee Rosenstein), Vice-President. To join, a minimum annual donation of $23 is requested. Correspondence course: 178 lessons in 40 groups, $27.50 per group, $150 for six, $265 for twelve, and $695 for all. Add $3/group for postal charges.]
* Hermetic Temple and Order of the Golden Dawn P.O. Box 891, Baldwin Park, CA 91706-0891, USA
[Affiliated with the Israel Regardie Foundation. Send Self-Addressed Stamped-Envelope (SASE) for information about membership, initiations, networking, and a correspondence course. This infomation is from a classified ad in the Summer 1993 _Gnosis_ magazine, and is probably out of date. The persons involved with the Israel Regardie Foundation (Christopher Hyatt and David Cherubim) have seemingly moved on to other projects.]
* Invisible Temple No. 0, Ordo Roseae Rubeae et Aurea Crucis Various Locations, Europe and America
[An independent branch of Israel Regardie's Hermetic Temple and Order of the Golden Dawn, via Christopher Hyatt (Alan Miller). The 6=5 and 7=4 grades are conferred on qualified adepts who have performed the prerequisite work in the Outer Order, and are able to manage a Golden Dawn Temple. Members known to be in California, Maryland, Minnesota, Texas, Virginia, and Washington, DC. Most male members are also high- grade Masons.]
* O.H.A.D. 26 Rue Francois Bonvin, 75015, Paris, France
[Mentioned briefly by Mary K. Greer in _Women_of_the_Golden_Dawn_. When requesting information, please send a donation of $2 to help cover mailing costs.]
* Order of the Aurum Solis BCM Tessera, London, WC1N 3XX, U.K.
[Initiatory organization described in Denning and Phillips' _Magical_ _Philosophy_ series. While seemingly related to the Golden Dawn, its symbolism is more "Byzantine" than Rosicrucian, although many similar traditions (Kabbalah, alchemy, neo-Platonism) are drawn from. Working groups exist in England, continental Europe, and West Africa, and entry is currently via invitation only.]
* Ordo Rosae Rubeae et Aureae Crucis 270 North Canon Drive, Suite 1302, Beverly Hills, CA 90210
[Affiliated with Cris Monnastre, and related to Regardie's re-inaug- uration of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn in 1982, this group published a full-page "Manifesto Fraternitatis" in the Fall 1995 issue of _Gnosis_ magazine, under the direction of the Secret Chiefs of the Ordo Argenti Astri (the Third Order). They proclaimed the abrogation of previously-published passwords, and mentioned their possession of initiation rituals for all grades of the Second and Third Orders.] * Osiris, Khenti-Amenti Temple (G.D.) Hollywood, CA
[Founded by a triad of Patricia Behman, Laura Jennings, and Peter Yorke under Israel Regardie's guidance in 1980. Closed in 1983. It has been claimed that this Temple was *not* founded by the above, that Jennings and Yorke only took the 1=10 degree then left, and that it didn't close until 1994, under a different name. It seems a moot point either way, though.]
* Osiris-Odin Temple (G.D.) Peoria, IL
[Details forthcoming. Affiliated with the Florida-based Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn?]
* Oxford Golden Dawn Occult Society P.O. Box 250, Oxford, OX1 1AP, UK
[A group which aims to "disseminate authentic information about the occult," and which organizes speakers, workshops, and conferences. They offer training in Oxford for students, have monthly meetings and a public annual conference in October, and publish a journal "Nuit- Isis." Associate membership is 5 UK pounds, and details can be found by telephoning Mogg Morgan at +44 (0)1865 243671, or by email at "mandox@cix.compulink.co.uk".]
* Phoenix Temple P.O. Box 4523, St. Louis, MO 63108
[I know nothing about this Temple -- even if it is a Golden Dawn group at all! Any information would be appreciated.]
* Ra Horakhty Temple (G.D.) 31849 Pacific Highway South, Suite 107, Federal Way, WA 98003 AIO International, 900 Meridian East 19-342, Puyallup, WA 98371-1242, TEL (206)-840-2024
[Founded by Laura Jennings and Peter Yorke in 1983 in Santa Monica, CA. Also said to have been chartered by Patrick and Chris Zalewski in 1985. In 1990, the Temple was moved to Washington, and most of the active members moved as well. The Outer Order curriculum is offered via a correspondence course, with fees of $25 per month for instruction, and a one-time fee per grade ($50, as of 1990) for materials. Inner Order dues are $100 per year. Each student has a personal advisor, and Inner Order instruction or grades are offered to qualified Outer Order graduates. The sequence of classes circa 1990 was: (1) Intro- duction, (2) Neophyte Class (basic knowledge lectures, pentagrams), (3) Zelator Class (geomancy, alchemy, hexagrams). Higher grade work was done individually, with $25 for information packets and $50/hour consultations. Ongoing classes on Tarot, astrology, Kabbalah, ana- tomy/physiology, and "quantum physics for laymen" are offered. Seven day "magical retreats" are also occasionally offered. For more info, visit their WWW site: http://www.halcyon.com/aio/gd/gd.html, or email aio@halcyon.com.]
* Servants of the Light P.O. Box 215, St. Helier, Jersey (Channel Islands), U.K. JE4 1AB
[Descendant of Dion Fortune's Society of the Inner Light. Dolores Ashcroft-Nowicki, Director of Studies (she succeeded W.E. Butler). The fifty-six lesson course (US $10/lesson) is based on Qabalah, the Grail Legend, and the Arthurian mythos, and lasts several years. Students and graduates of the course may join a Lodge in Atlanta, Denver, or Vancouver BC (and soon one in the Northeast US). The SOL is non-profit, and publishes its own Tarot deck and a House magazine. They also hold several expensive seminars/retreats (see large advertisements in _Gnosis_ magazine). Email contacts are Peter Cawley (UF593@freenet.victoria.bc.ca) and Fran Keegan (fkeegan@erc.cat.syr.edu).]
* Societas Hermetica LVX Aureae-Rubeae Calgary, Canada (full address to come?)
[A Golden Dawn Temple which offers "safe and practical" teachings, either via a correspondence course or in-person initiations. The fees for the Neophyte grade include (in Canadian dollars) $40 for initiation, $20 for dues, and/or $40 for the correspondence course.]
* Society of the Inner Light 38 Steele's Road, London NW3 4RG, U.K.
[Continuation of Dion Fortune's Society of the Inner Light. Still active and continuing to provide a correspondence course.]
* Star & Cross P.O. Box 25541, Dallas, TX 75225, USA
[Home study course: Dion Fortune's inner teachings, "Western Tradition of the Mysteries." Rumored to have a strong emphasis on Jungian psych- ology.]
* Temple of Thelema 222 North Manhattan Place, Los Angeles, CA 90004 (Harpocrates Temple) P.O. Box 415, Oroville, CA 95965 (Nuit Mother Temple) P.O. Box 27901-774, San Francisco, CA 94127 (Babalon Proanos) 680 Queens Quay, #704, Toronto, ONT M5V 2Y9 (Star of the North Temple) P.O. Box 441474, Indianapolis, IN 46244 (Ruby Star Proanos)
[This group, also an outer vehicle "in the service" of Crowley's A.A., was founded in 1989 by Jim Eshelman, Phyllis Seckler, and Anna-Kria King. Updated to conform to the Law of Thelema (and claiming that the Book of the Law is the "true Book T"), the Temple of Thelema is the ceremonial and initiatory vehicle of the College of Thelema, which was founded in 1973 by Phyllis Seckler (Soror Meral). C.O.T. shares the contact addresses given above, and also publishes a bi-annual magazine called _In_the_Con- tinuum_. T.O.T.'s innovations to the G.D. system are substantial, as they can be utilized as "lower octave" introductions to the A.A., but they do conform to the original formulae of the Cipher Manuscripts. For more info, see their WWW site: http://www.crl.com/~suti/onyx.html]
* The Thelemic Golden Dawn (Novus Ordo Aurora Aureae) 1626 N. Wilcox Ave., no. 418, Los Angeles, CA 90028, USA
[A quasi-G.D. organization based mainly on Crowley's religion of Thelema. No longer affiliated with New Falcon Publications or the Israel Regardie Foundation, there is no charge for courses or initiations, but a modest yearly donation is requested. Services offered include group and self initiations, classes, correspondence lessons, newsletters, and various tools and products. Many of their online manifestos, rituals, and philosophical papers are archived on the WWW, on their home page: http://users.aol.com/thelemicgd/TGD/tgd.html. Frater Superior Chief, "David Cherubim" (David Wall, email: FraterAL@aol.com). For more information, email Frater H.A.C.A. (rhandel@phoenix.kent.edu) or Frater V.S.V.Q. (thelema@i-2000.com).]
* Themis Aurea Temple (G.D.) Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
[A descendant, in spirit if not directly, of the original Themis Temple and of the Masonic _Societas_Rosicruciana_ in America. Possibly inaug- urated by Charles E. Meyer, a Philadelphia piano maker. Rumored to have modified and/or combined the rituals of Freemasonry and the G.D., as well as followed in some of the traditions of the various Rosicrucian groups to have resided in the Philadelphia area. More information on this manifestation of the Golden Dawn as it comes in.]
* Thoth-Hermes Temple (G.D.) Wellington, New Zealand
[Founded by Patrick and Chris Zalewski around 1980 to succeed Whare-Ra. One can contact Pat Zalewski c/o Llewellyn World Wide, P.O. Box 64383-873, St. Paul, MN 55164-0383, USA, or via email, at: zirdo@central.co.nz]
+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ IV. Useful References +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
This bibliography of books related to the Golden Dawn makes no attempt at being complete or comprehensive. It is simply a beginning-point for interested readers to learn more from independent sources other than this FAQ. I have included or excluded books from this list based on my own personal opinions, and make no apologies for attempting to exert some degree of "quality control" in what is listed here.
Case, Paul Foster. _The_True_and_Invisible_Rosicrucian_Order_ (York Beach, Maine: Samuel Weiser), 1985.
Cicero, Chic, and Cicero, Sandra Tabatha, eds. _The_Golden_Dawn_Journal_, (St. Paul, MN: Llewellyn Publications): Book I: Divination, 1994. Book II: Qabalah - Theory and Magic, 1994. Book III: The Art of Hermes, 1995.
Cicero, Chic, and Cicero, Sandra Tabatha. _Self-Initiation_into_the_Golden_ _Dawn_Tradition:_a_Complete_Curriculum_of_Study_for_both_the_Solitary_ _Magician_and_the_Working_Magical_Group_ (St. Paul, MN: Llewellyn Publications), 1995.
Colquhoun, Ithell. _Sword_of_Wisdom:_MacGregor_Mathers_and_the_"Golden_Dawn"_ (New York: G.P. Putnam's Sons), 1975.
Crowley, Aleister. _The_Holy_Books_of_Thelema_ (York Beach, Maine: Samuel Weiser), 1983.
Crowley, Aleister. _Magick_in_Theory_and_Practice_ (Secaucus, NJ: Castle Books), 1991.
Denning, Melita, and Phillips, Osborne. _The_Magical_Philosophy_ (in 3 volumes: I: The Foundations of High Magick, II: The Sword and the Serpent, III: Mysteria Magica), (St. Paul, MN: Llewellyn Publications), 1981.
DuQuette, Lon Milo. _The_Magick_of_Thelema_ (York Beach, Maine: Samuel Weiser), 1993. ISBN 0-87728-778-3.
Eshelman, James A. _The_Mystical_and_Magical_System_of_the_A.'.A.'._ (Oroville, CA: College of Thelema), 1993.
Fortune, Dion. _The_Mystical_Qabalah_ (London: Ernest Benn), 1935.
Gilbert, R. A. _The_Golden_Dawn_Companion:_a_Guide_to_the_History,_ _Structure,_and_Workings_of_the_Hermetic_Order_of_the_Golden_Dawn_ (Wellingborough, Aquarian Press), 1986.
Gilbert, R. A. _The_Golden_Dawn:_Twilight_of_the_Magicians_ (Welling- borough, Aquarian Press), 1983.
Greer, Mary K. _Women_of_the_Golden_Dawn:_Rebels_and_Priestesses_ (Rochester, Vermont: Park Street Press), 1995, ISBN 0892815167.
Harper, George Mills. _Yeats's_Golden_Dawn_ (London: Macmillan), 1974.
Howe, Ellic. _The_Magicians_of_the_Golden_Dawn:_a_Documentary_History_of_ _a_Magical_Order,_1887-1923_ (London: Routledge and Kegan Paul), 1972.
King, Francis. _Magic:_The_Western_Tradition_ (London: Thames and Hudson), 1975.
Levi, Eliphas. _Transcendental_Magic_ (New York: Samuel Weiser), 1970.
Mathers, S. L. MacGregor, _Astral_Projection_,_Ritual_Magic,_and_Alchemy_ edited and introduced by Francis King, additional material by R. A. Gilbert. (Rochester, Vermont: Destiny Books), 1987.
McIntosh, Christopher. _The_Rose_Cross_and_the_Age_of_Reason:_Eighteenth_ _Century_Rosicrucianism_in_Central_Europe_and_its_Relationship_to_the_ _Enlightenment_ (Leiden: E. J. Brill), 1992.
Regardie, Israel. _The_Complete_Golden_Dawn_System_of_Magic_ (Phoenix, AZ: Falcon Press), 1984.
Regardie, Israel. _The_Golden_Dawn_ (St. Paul, MN: Llewellyn Publications), 1st ed. (Chicago: Aries Press) 1937-1940; 2nd ed. 1969; 3rd ed. 1970; 4th ed. 1971; 5th ed. 1986; 6th ed. 1989.
Regardie, Israel. _What_You_Should_Know_About_the_Golden_Dawn_ (Phoenix, AZ: Falcon Press), 1985. Previously published as _My_Rosicrucian_ _Adventure_, 1936.
Torrens, R. G. _The_Secret_Rituals_of_the_Golden_Dawn_ (Northamptonshire: Aquarian Press), 1973.
Waite, Arthur Edward. _The_Brotherhood_of_the_Rosy_Cross_ (London: William Rider and Son), 1924.
Yates, Frances A. _The_Rosicrucian_Enlightenment_ (London: Routledge and Kegan Paul), 1972.
Zalewski, Patrick J. _Golden_Dawn_Enochian_Magic_ (St. Paul, MN: Llewellyn Publications), 1990.
Zalewski, Patrick J. _Kaballah_of_the_Golden_Dawn_ (St. Paul, MN: Llewellyn Publications), 1993.
Zalewski, Patrick J. _The_Secret_Inner_Order_Rituals_of_the_Golden_Dawn_ (Phoenix, AZ: Falcon Press), 1988.
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