Diary of a madman - Dangerous Fruit
April 28th, 2022
02:01 pm


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Dangerous Fruit

А точнее, "Harry Potter Donald J. Trump and the Dangerous Fruit"

Страница 49 документа по ссылке:


Q: Mr. President, do you recall making that statement?

A: Yes.

Q: Okay. And you said that, 'If you see someone getting ready to
throw a tomato, just knock the crap out of them would you.' That
was your statement?

A: Oh, yeah. It was very dangerous.

Q: What was very dangerous?

A: We were threatened.

Q: With what?

A: They were going to throw fruit. We were threatened. We had a threat.

Q: How did you become aware that there was a threat that people
were going to throw fruit?

A: We were told. I thought Secret Service was involved in that,
actually. And you get hit with fruit, it's -- no -- it's very violent
stuff. We were on alert for that.

Q: A tomato is a fruit after all, I guess.

A: And you know what --

Q: Judicial notice.
MR. GOLDMAN: It has seeds.

A: It's worse than a tomato, it's other things also. But tomato, when
they start doing that stuff, it's very dangerous. There was an alert
out that day.

Q: Who were you speaking to when you said --

A: The audience.

Q: So you were speaking to the audience when you said if they saw
someone getting ready to throw a tomato, just knock the crap out of
them, would you?

A: That was to the audience. It was said sort of in jest. Buy maybe,
you know, a little truth to it. It's very dangerous stuff. You can
get killed with those things.

Q: So were you trying to incentivize people to engage in violence?

MR. GOLDMAN: Objection.

A: No, I wanted to have people I wanted to have people be ready
because we were put on alert that they were going to do fruit. And
some fruit is a lot worse than -- tomatoes are bad by the way. But
it's very dangerous. No, I wanted them to watch. They were on alert.
I remember that specific even because everybody was on alert. They
were going to hit -- they were going to hit hard.

Q: Do you have any knowledge as to whether or not anybody has found
to have tomatoes in their possession on that date?

A: I don't know. But it didn't happen. It worked out that nothing

Я кстати, увидев документ, подумал было что это пьеса такая, в духе
детского журнала "Барсук". В конце диалога не хватает фразы от автора
"Все проваливаются".

Но не, real stuff, жизнь опять опережает искусство.

Current Music: Pretty Maids - Future World
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