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Пишет russki_enot ([info]russki_enot)
@ 2013-03-21 18:11:00

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Сима и смешное слово книффе
Письмо от учительницы. Сима шутит про ножи, другим детям неприятно (некомфортно) это слушать. Оказалось, он смотрит глупые видео про Надоедливый Апельсин, который достает другие фрукты своими шутками. В т.ч. про ножи. Что в контексте фруктов мм...уместно.
Вот, нашла по-русски и с ножом.

I hope you are well. I wanted to let you know of something that happened today during lunch time. The lunch mothers told me that a few of the students came up to them during recess to let them know that Sima was telling jokes about knives and they felt very uncomfortable. I spoke with Sima about this, and he did admit to telling the jokes. He told me he learned them from a video/game he was watching on the computer called "absolute orange" or "crazy orange" something along those lines. When I asked him if you knew he was watching these videos he admitted that you did not allow him to watch them. We spoke a little bit about appropriate language/talking for school, however, I thought I would bring this to your attention so you could also have a talk with him at home.

Other than this, he is doing a great job in class.

Thanks in advance!

"Dear ...!
Sorry Sima made other kids uncomfortable.
He told me he is watching "Annoying orange" (I guess when he can get away with being on computer and not doing something useful).
I watched one http://annoyingorange.com/videos/the-fruitbowl/ -- well, i prefer him to do smth else but kids find it funny.

He finds word "knife" funny because if you read it letter by letter it sounds like "k-neef-ee"...
His joke sounds like
-- Guess what?
-- Knife.
Not much of a joke but nothing serious either.

I asked him to stop talking about knives at school because it makes some people uncomfortable.
Thank you for letting me know. --enot"

Потом посмотрела еще и послала вдогонку, чтобы успокоить (мне кажется, учительница нормальная и все поймет):

"Watched more of these videos. Well, I guess nothing to worry about -- knife jokes are pretty adequate in fruit context. But as I said, I asked Sima not to make knife jokes at school. Sorry about it."

(Добавить комментарий)

2013-03-22 01:27 (ссылка)
а если она смотрела или читала "Clockwork Orange"? тогда все это ее может и не успокоить, и даже наоборот! ))
а ты уже прочла пелевинский роман "S.N.U.F.F"? просто вспомнился почему-то.

(Ответить) (Ветвь дискуссии)

2013-03-22 12:36 (ссылка)
Лучше я не буду обсуждать с учительницей Clockwork Orange, а то она подумает, что у нас вообще все непросто, и Сима такой неспроста.

SNUFF не читала.

(Ответить) (Уровень выше) (Ветвь дискуссии)

2013-03-22 15:17 (ссылка)
да уж, не стоит обсуждать ))
а вот прочесть - очень даже стоит! (понял, почему вспомнил: точки в названии - знак политкорректности.)

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