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@ 2019-12-26 06:52:00

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[Entomology • 2019] Protosticta binhi • A New Species of Damselfly (Odonata: Zygoptera: Platystictidae) from the Central Highlands of Vietnam

Protosticta binhi 
 Phan, To, Trinh & Dinh, 2019

Protosticta binhi sp. n. is described from the Central Highlands of Vietnam (holotype male: Vietnam, Gia Lai Province, K’Bang District, Dak Roong Commune, Dak Hro village, ..., 1130 m asl, 22 May 2018, T.odo. 22051810, Zoological Collection of Duy Tan University). The new species can be easily distinguished from all other Protosticta species by the combination of huge body size, bird-head shape of cerci and paraprocts broad and apically armed with several sharp subapical projections in the male, and the anterior pronotal lobe of the prothorax well developed in the female.

Keywords: dragonfly; damselfly; new species; Protostictinae

Family Platystictidae Kennedy, 1920 

Subfamily Protostictinae Dijkstra, Kalkman, Dow, Stokvis & van Tol, 2013 

Genus Protosticta Selys, 1855 

Figures 1, 2. Habitus of (1) holotype ♂ and (2) paratype ♀ of Protosticta binhi sp. n.

Figures 3–6. Head of holotype ♂ and paratype ♀ of Protosticta binhi sp. n. (3, 5) in frontal view; (4, 6) in dorsal view.

Protosticta binhi sp. n. Phan, To, Trinh & Dinh 

Etymology: The first author chose the specific name “binhi” after the last name of his father, Mr. Phan Dinh Binh (born in 1952) to whom he is grateful for his love and support. A noun in genitive case.

Diagnosis: The bird-head shape of the cerci, the paraprocts longer than the cerci, broad and armed with several sharp subapical projections of the male are unique amongst Protosticta species; anterior pronotal lobe of prothorax of the female extends up and backward much further than in the known Protosticta females.

Habitat and ecology: The new species was found in a shaded shallow narrow (about 1–3 m width) forest mountain stream with slow running water, with a sandy bottom with many large rocks in Dak Hro village (1130 m asl).

Quoc Toan Phan, Van Quang To, Dang Mau Trinh and Van Khuong Dinh. 2019. Description of Protosticta binhi sp. n. from the Central Highlands of Vietnam (Odonata: Zygoptera: Platystictidae), International Journal of Odonatology. 22(3-4); 199-206, DOI: 10.1080/13887890.2019.1696238

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