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@ 2020-01-09 10:36:00

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[Botany • 2020] Aristolochia wenshanensis (Aristolochiaceae) • A New Species from Karst Region in southeastern Yunnan, China

Aristolochia wenshanensis Lei Cai, D.M.He & Z.L.Dao

in Cai, He, Huang & Dao, 2020.
 Taiwania. 65(1) 
 文山馬兜鈴   ||  taiwania.ntu.edu.tw

Aristolochia wenshanensis Lei Cai, D.M.He & Z.L.Dao, a new species of Aristolochiaceae from southeastern Yunnan, China, is described and illustrated. The new species is morphologically most similar to A. mulunensis Y.S.Huang & Yan Liu in the shape of the leaf blade and perianth, but it can be easily distinguished by structure and color of the flower, shape of leaf blade base, especially the perianth shape, colour and texture. According to morphology the new species belongs to Aristolochia subgenus Siphisia. We also provide a table and notes to distinguish several other morphologically similar Aristolochia species.

Keyword: Aristolochiaceae, Aristolochia wenshanensis, China, new taxa, karst region, flora of Yunnan

Fig. 1. Aristolochia wenshanensis Lei Cai, D.M.He & Z.L.Dao sp. nov. A. Habit with leaves. B. Habit with flowers. C. Opened flower showing the internal structure. D. Gynostemium and ovary. Illustration by Xuan-Lin Zhu.

Fig. 2. Aristolochia wenshanensis Lei Cai, D.M.He & Z.L.Dao sp. nov. A. Habitat. B & C. Plants wirh flowers. D. Adaxial and abaxial leaf surfaces. E & I. Lateral view of flowers. F-H. Frontal view of flowers. J & K. Back view of flowers. L. Opened flower showing the internal structure. H. Gynostemium and ovary. Photographs by Lei Cai.

Aristolochia wenshanensis Lei Cai, D.M.He & Z.L.Dao, sp. nov.

Diagnosis: Aristolochia wenshanensis resembles A. mulunensis in the shape of the leaf blade and perianth, but can be easily distinguished from the latter by the unconspicuous bracteole; perianth outside pale red with purple veins, densely rusty-villous; basal utricle inside purple black, ca. 8 mm in diam., lower tube purple with white patches, densely pubescent, ca. 6 mm in diam., upper tube, inside purple; limb subrotundate-peltate, lobes yellowish brown with tiny papillae, forming a wide campanulate limb in the center, ca. 1.8 cm in diam. 

Etymology: The specific epithet ‘wenshanensis’ refers to the type locality where the new species was found, Wenshan City, Yunnan Province, China. 

Distribution and Ecology: Aristolochia wenshanensis is currently known from the type locality in karst region with two populations and 6 individuals; it is also distributed in Gejiu City, Honghe Hani and Yi Autonomous Prefecture after consulting other scholars (pers. communication, Meng-Qi Han, Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences). The species grows on shaded slopes of karst landform under the evergreen broad-leaved forests and climbs on other woody plants.

Fig. 3. Aristolochia wenshanensis (A-C by Lei Cai) and Aristolochia mulunensis (D-F by Yu-Song Huang).
A & D. Frontal view of flowers. B & E. Lateral view of flowers. C & F. Opened flower showing the internal structure.

Lei Cai, De-Ming He, Yu-Song Huang and Zhi-Ling Dao. 2020. Aristolochia wenshanensis, A New Species of Aristolochiaceae from Karst Region in southeastern Yunnan, China. Taiwania. 65(1); 41-46. DOI: 10.6165/tai.2020.65.41 


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