_______ - The Church of Suckless NixOS is looking for followers

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September 24th, 2017

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12:53 pm - The Church of Suckless NixOS is looking for followers
откопал тут тред интересный в рассылке Nix-dev -- Ян Малаховски
и компания хотят (или хотели) сделать NixOS без systemd, вместо
этого поставить openrc/runit и suckless tools заместо GNU tools
и много чего ещё:

# SLNOS Wishlist proposal (2017-03-18 00:00 UTC)

(numbers in parentheses are logarithmic expected effort)

- (2) Show new Changelog entries on configuration build and switch/boot
- (3) Rewrite all source docs into a plain text format (no docbook xml), generate docs into man and info files (no HTML by default)
- (2) Toposort everything
- (5) Replace systemd with sane initd:
- (3) Rip systemd out
- (2) Sysvinit + toposorted scripts
- (2) OpenRC
- (2) runit
- (4) Replace GNU tools with Suckless base
- (2) Implement Gentoo-like use flags (#12877 in nixpkgs)
- (3) Disallow null buildInputs, use use flags instead
- (1) Set `unfree` meta flag for all unfree packages, including firmwares and blobs
- (2) Interactive GCC shouldn't do any hardening (#18995 in nixpkgs)
- (3) Either sanitize everything by default or drop hardening completely by default
- (2) Replace configuration.nix with centralized machine profiles
- (2) Implement our own nixos-install script
- (2) Implement a pretty wrapper around nix-env, nix-instantiate and nix-store
- (3) Implement multi-instance for nixos services
- (1) Fetch sources via Tor by default
- (2) Build torbrowser and all its extensions from source with our own patches (and no JS by default)
- (2) Add expression for all P2P packages we know about, including the ones you can't get in clearnet
- (1) DNSCrypt (over Tor/I2P?) by default
- (1) Setup Tor, I2P and our torbrowser by default (must fail closed)
- (2) Implement plugable VPN configs (must fail closed)
- (3) Implement better firewall (atomic, declarative, must fail closed)
- (3) Isolate network like in Tails
- (3) Port memory scrubbing from Tails
- (3) Port QubesOS utils to nixos
- (4) Implement Qubes netvm on top of NixOS
- (3) Implement booting with Coreboot
- (3) Port Heads:ROM to nixos
- (3) Support kexec reboot
- (3) Implement kexec chaining (for testing new Heads:ROM payloads before flashing)
- (3) Implement initrd chaining (for encrypted initrds)
- (2) Implement toposort in nix

когда первый раз узнал про NixOS, как раз из-за отсутствия альтернативы
systemd не стал дальше разбираться, а вот таким бы suckless форком
попользоваться можно было бы. к сожалению, сейчас ничего интересного
не нагуглилось по теме, видимо, до паблик репы дело так и не дошло.

Poettering is my New God! PulseAudio! Avahi! Systemd! PulseAudio!
Avahi! Systemd! DBus for the Kernel! utmp is for old people! All
computers are laptops! All initds should include Udev, DBus, and do
DHCP and DNS-resolver, this is what initds are for! Merging this
upstream would be blasphemy! Burn it! Burn it with fire!

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