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Пишет anon75448 ([info]anon75448)
@ 2020-06-10 12:31:00

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Расследование убийства Улофа Пальме официально закрыто.

главный подозреваемый ныне покойный "the scandia man"


”The Skandia man” suspected of killing Swedish prime minister Olof Palme

Swedish prosecutor Krister Petersson announced at a press conference on Wednesday that a man who has been called ”the Skandia man” in media is the suspected murderer of Sweden's prime minister Olof Palme in 1986.

As he is deceased the criminal investigation will be closed.

On February 26, 1986 the Swedish prime minister Olof Palme was shot and killed in Stockholm's city center. The investigation into who murdered Palme has been ongoing for 34 years.

At a press conference on Wednesday morning, the Swedish chief prosecutor Krister Petersson announced who he believes to be the killer. He named a man who in Swedish media has been called ”the Skandia man” as the suspect.

The first time ”The Skandia man” was interrogated by the police was at 12.20 p.m the day after the shooting. He had phoned the police to tell them what he had been doing at the scene of the crime the previous evening.
Foto: TT

– My view is that we have gotten as far as anyone could ask for. Since the person is dead we can not prosecute them, chief prosecutor Krister Petersson said during the press conference.

”The Skandia man” is deceased, which means he can not be interrogated, and he can not be prosecuted. Therefore the prosecutor has decided to close the criminal investigation.

The investigation of the murder of the prime minister is the most comprehensive and most expensive investigation in Swedish history, and one of the biggest in the world. 134 people have confessed to shooting Olof Palme in the 34 years that have passed since the murder. 29 of them have confessed to Swedish police.
Chief investigator Hans Melander and chief prosecutor Krister Petersson at a digital press conference Wednesday morning.
Chief investigator Hans Melander and chief prosecutor Krister Petersson at a digital press conference Wednesday morning. Foto: Alexander Mahmoud

More than 10.000 people have been interrogated in the investigation. 40.000 people are mentioned in the investigation, according to the police investigator Hans Melander.

The Swedish police have had several leads during the investigation. One of them was a 33 year old man who was considered a suspect, but had an alibi. Another suspect was Christer Pettersson – who was convicted of the murder in 1989, but freed by the Court of Appeal later that year.

More on this topic (in Swedish):
”Skandiamannen” pekas ut som Olof Palmes mördare
Ett 34-årigt nationellt trauma - en tidsaxel över Palmemordet