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Пишет Artem Chernikov ([info]archernikov)
@ 2007-03-26 04:41:00

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Paul Cohen
2 April 1934 - 23 March 2007

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2007-03-26 00:45 (ссылка)
Ой, как рано.


2007-03-26 12:37 (ссылка)
Ужасно...Он мне казался достаточно молодым...
"Возраст смертный"...а все равно печально.


2007-03-27 00:58 (ссылка)
We are very sorry to tell you that Paul Cohen has
suddenly passed away.

He has had a rare lung disease for maybe two years now,
but symptoms
only began to really manifest about a year ago. We did not
know that
the disease had progressed nearly as much as it clearly

On Monday Paul had a bad attack and was taken to the
emergency room,
and we were told then that the situation was very grave.
But after
receiving medication he stabilized and seemed fine and was
going to be released this Friday morning. But Thursday
morning his
lungs failed and he became unconscious and did not awaken.
So this
whole thing has been a total shock to us (twice).

Overall he had not been in pain at all and was only on
relatively low
levels of oxygen. Just this Sunday he and my mother went
out to
dinner and the movie theater. And on Wednesday night when
we last saw
him conscious he was happy and completely alert.

There will most likely be a small service for friends and
family and
then a larger one afterwards hosted by the Stanford math
As of now we have not made definite plans.


2007-04-01 17:50 (ссылка)
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